Page 19 of Jaden (Jaded 3)
The second explosion went off then, and this time the table started to slide over the floor. It didn’t go far, just a few inches, but I lurched forward anyway. Stopping it, I stood up from my chair and started for the door. No matter who it was, I wanted to grab our bags.
“Where are you going?”
I threw open the door. “I packed bags for us.”
“No, Sheldon.” Bryce raced for me and grabbed my arm. “Think about it. If this is anything serious, we need to get out of here.”
“Yes, but—”
Then all hell broke loose.
It was my dad, and turning, I saw him race from the hallway, holding onto Beth’s hand. They were both in robes, but while Neil’s was tied with pajama pants sticking out underneath, Beth was trying to hold hers closed with her free hand. It wasn’t working. She had a silk nightgown on underneath, and she stumbled, crying out. Neil stopped, grabbed her arm, and hoisted her up in one mov
ement. It happened so fast, if I hadn’t been watching, I wouldn’t have caught it. Her slipper fell off, and muttering a quick curse, Neil stooped down and swept it up, shoving it into his robe’s pocket. He was to the door by then.
As he shoved us outside, a lot of things happened all at once.
I took in his harried expression, Beth’s pale and trembling features, and then realized I could see my dad and his girlfriend so much clearer because there were bright lights coming from behind us.
“Sheldon.” Bryce moved close to me, holding my arm.
They were large flashlights, and there were more than a pair of them. Six flashlights were coming from the left, another four from the right, and I whirled back to my dad and saw there were another two coming from inside the house.
“What’s going on?” Beth clutched her robe shut, looking all around us.
Neil tucked her close. “It’s just the security teams. They’re sweeping the grounds.” He skimmed over me. “You look fine.”
I wasn’t sure if that was a question or accusation. I shrugged, but my insides were still feeling the surprise from those bombs or whatever they’d been. “I’ve been through worse.”
Bryce caught my gaze and shook his head, one side of his mouth lifting to show his amusement. He knew I was scared shitless, though, I was still holding out hope the explosions had been fireworks-gone-wrong sort of thing, and Corrigan would come running around the corner. I wouldn’t have cared if he had burned half his hair off, just so I knew everyone would be okay.
A third explosion went off then, and like the others, the ground shook. This one was closer and stronger. Beth cried out again, stumbling to the side. My dad yelled. He threw an arm out, reaching for balance while trying to hold her from falling to the ground. Bryce’s hand squeezed tightly on my arm, and I knew what he was going to do. We both leapt for them. Bryce reached and took hold of my dad while I caught Beth. Grabbing onto her arm, I clambered for a quick hold on her shoulder and somehow yanked her forward so she wasn’t falling.
She reached for me and clutched onto me, breathing deeply, for a moment. When the last of the tremors were over, she lifted her head. I saw the terror in her eyes, and she seemed scared to even breathe. She bit down on her lip, then turned back for my dad.
“Neil,” she whimpered.
He folded her back into his chest, thanking Bryce and me over her shoulder while patting the back of her head.
Bryce lifted his eyebrows at me. We were all shaken and he frowned. “What now?”
“Mr. Jeneve.” A security guard stepped through the door onto the patio. He was releasing his radio, and he pointed his flashlight out to the backyard. A ton of security guards were approaching us. They were no longer just flashlights, but we could see their figures now. “We have a car waiting. They’ll take you to a secure location.”
“Thank god,” Beth continued to whimper.
I frowned.
Neil ran a brisk hand over his head. “Do you know what caused those explosions?”
“We haven’t found any intruders, but we’ll do a more thorough search once you and your guests are off the perimeter and safely away.”
“Yeah. Okay.” My dad started forward. “Sheldon, Bryce.” He stopped and searched the patio again. “Is Corrigan not back yet? I thought a car had come through—”
“I’m here.” A voice spoke up from behind me and my heart leapt into my chest as I whirled around.
He flashed me a grin, raking a hand through his curls, as he straightened from the wall in the shadows. He materialized to the side of one of the security guards as if he’d been there the whole time. The guard closest to him jumped back and reached for his gun reflexively.