Page 88 of The Steel Kiss (Lincoln Rhyme 12)
- Trace:
- Phenol.
- Motor oil.
- Profile of suspect (Unknown Subject 40).
- Wore checkered jacket (green), Braves baseball cap.
- White male.
- Tall (6'2" to 6'4").
- Slim (140-150 lbs.).
- Long feet and fingers.
- No visual of face.
- Offense: Homicide, escape from apprehension.
- Victim: Greg Frommer, 44, clerk with Pretty Lady Shoes in mall.
- Store clerk, left Patterson Systems as Director of Marketing. Will attempt to show he would have returned to a similar or other higher-income job.
- COD: Loss of blood, internal organ trauma.
- Means of death:
- Unsub 40 hacked into CIR DataWise5000 controller and opened door remotely.
- Discussion with CIR executives.
- Tracing the signal: only each manufacturer could do that. Difficult.
- Probably impossible to identify him.
- Danger of hacking could be minimized by companies' installing security patches. CIR is sending out warning to do so.
- Evidence:
- DNA, no CODIS match.
- No friction ridges sufficient for ID.
- Shoeprint, likely unsub's, size 13 Reebok Daily Cushion 2.0.
- Soil sample, likely from unsub, containing crystalline aluminosilicate clays: montmorillonite, illite, vermiculite, chlorite, kaolinite. Additionally, organic colloids. Substance is probably humus. Not native to this portion of Brooklyn.
- Dinitroaniline (used in dyes, pesticides, explosives).
- Ammonium nitrate (fertilizer, explosives)
- With oil from Clinton Place scene: Possibly constructing bomb?
- Additional phenol (precursor in making plastics, like polycarbonates, resins and nylon, aspirin, embalming fluid, cosmetics, ingrown toenail cures; unsub has large feet, so--nail problems?)