Page 81 of Hard News (Rune 3)
Rune said, "And, poof, he released you."
"From the bench," Megler said solemnly. "Don't happen too often that way."
"I'm free?"
"Pending the prosecutor's decision on a new trial. They'll probably just let it drop. But you have to stay in New York City until they decide. You can travel if you tell the DA's office but you can't leave the state."
"My dear Lord," Boggs said. "I don't know what to say." He leaned forward and shyly kissed Rune's cheek. Then he stood up and walked to the window.
Megler said, "You've earned yourself the right to walk through the slime of New York just like anybody else.... Now, you got any money?"
"They give me some when I came out. Not a lot."
Megler was opening up his wallet. A wad of twenties appeared. A couple hundred bucks' worth. He aimed it toward Boggs, who shook his head. "No, sir, thank you anyway."
"It's a loan is all it is. Come on. Pay me back when you can. Ha, you don't, I'll sue your butt."
Boggs was blushing as he took the money and he put it into his pocket as quickly as possible.
Megler was giving him advice about getting jobs, what sort of work to look for.
Boggs looked solemn for a moment. "Something I'd like to do. A friend of mine got himself killed in prison. I'd like to go see his family. Up in Harlem."
"You look like you're asking permission," Megler said. "You want to go, just go."
"Yeah, I could, I guess. Sure. I wasn't thinking."
Then Boggs was saying he had to look for a hotel room.... No, first some food then a room. No, first he wanted to walk down ... what was that street there? Boggs pointed out the window.
"Over there? Broadway," Megler answered.
"I want to walk down Broadway."
Rune corrected, "Actually, you'd probably be walking up Broadway from here."
"Up Broadway, and I want to stop and go into some of those stores."
"Plenty to choose from," the lawyer offered. "Shitty merchandise, overpriced."
"Shitty," Courtney echoed.
"And check out some other streets too. And nobody's going to tell me not to."
"Not a soul in the world."
Boggs was grinning.
Rune said, "I've got some tapes left but I'll have to interview you again. I want to start as soon as possible."
Boggs laughed. "Well, you don't hardly have to even ask. There's only one thing I'd ask first."
"You think we might rustle up some beer? It's been a while, and I've really got me a taste."
chapter 24
THE PLASTIC BAG RANG LIKE SLEIGH BELLS. IT CONtained: a Heineken, a Moosehead, a Grolsch, two Bud-weisers ("Not the best by a long shot but it was my first--mind if I get a couple for, you know, sentimental reasons?"), a Tecate and a six-pack of Corona. Rune had also bought some Amstel but Randy Boggs had never drunk light beer in his life. "Don't believe I'd like to celebrate my freedom with something like that."