Page 19 of Lovers Not Friends
‘Needs must.’ The small Yorkshirewoman was nothing if not colloquial. ‘Since Mr Cox died it’s been enough to cope with the house and the odd guest. I can’t do with setting the garden in order. A body can only do so much.’ She nodded her grey head in confirmation of her words.
‘I could spend an hour or two out there, if you like?’ Blade suggested lightly. ‘I enjoy the odd bit of gardening and as long as you keep the coffee coming hot and strong we’ll call it quits.’
He enjoyed the odd bit of gardening? Amy almost choked on the words. To her knowledge in Blade’s eyes a fork was something you ate with and a spade was a character in a deck of cards. He didn’t even confer with the top gardeners he employed periodically to keep the immaculate grounds surrounding his home in pristine condition.
‘That’s if Amy has no objection, of course,’ he continued smoothly, turning a blank face to her as he smiled silkily.
No objection? She would have liked to be able to spit her objections into his face, but in view of Mrs Cox’s transparent delight at the suggestion all she could do was smile weakly as her eyes spoke volumes.
‘That’s settled, then.’ He turned back to Mrs Cox with a nod of his head. ‘And now, if you don’t mind, I’ll skip that cup of tea. I’m taking Amy out for the day.’
‘That’s grand.’ Blade was obviously the favourite son! ‘You two run along and enjoy yourselves.’
She held on to her temper just long enough to reach the car and then exploded with impotent rage as she slid into the lush interior, her jean-clad legs and big baggy jumper incongruous against the expensive décor. She had refuted utterly the idea of changing into more appropriate clothes. These were what she had been going to wear for a day at home with maybe a walk in the hills in the afternoon. If he didn’t like it then he could do the other thing, she thought balefully as he slid into the driving seat beside her, looking every inch the wealthy businessman relaxing at the weekend.
Blade didn’t seem to object. She was aware of his gaze roaming over the thrust of her high small breasts under the knitted cotton of the pale blue jumper, and became aware in that moment that the V neck was low enough to reveal just a hint of cleavage and that the jeans were just a little on the tight side. She moved her head slightly so that a shining veil of soft gold hung between them for a brief moment before rounding on him, her eyes shooting blue sparks.
‘What are you trying to do, Blade?’ she asked furiously. ‘Is this all part of my punishment?’
‘I beg your pardon?’ He eyed her coolly, eyes slanted and body relaxed. ‘Could you be a little more specific?’
‘You know exactly what I’m talking about,’ she hissed angrily. ‘All this friendliness with Mrs Cox and now offering to do her garden! You’re trying to hurt me, aren’t you, discredit me with these people and—’
‘Now just hang on a darn minute.’ He caught her arm so tightly that it felt as though she had caught it in a vice, and as he shook her slightly, his face was black with rage. ‘I told you before, you have given up all rights to question my movements in any way. I’m a free agent now, to do exactly as I please. That’s what you wanted, isn’t it?’ She opened her mouth to argue but the logic of his words was indisputable.
‘If you feel my presence in this small community might be a little embarrassing to you and your esteemed “friend”, that is nothing to do with me. You insist, as does he, that you are merely friends. Fine. Then I see no reason why there should be any talk of my “discrediting” you. You disagree?’ He was waiting, with a curious watchfulness, for her reaction and she gulped silently, her head spinning.
‘I …’ She was floundering for words as her heart thudded wildly. How could she tell him that it wasn’t really the possibility that his presence might embarrass her in any way that was worrying her, but that every minute, every second she was in his company she was terrified she might give herself away, that he would guess she still loved him. As she hesitated she glanced into his face and the dark, enigmatic expression that had lit the masculine features chilled her blood.
‘You are clearly at a loss for words. Well, I can understand that.’ There was a hidden threat in the softly drawled words that sent a little shiver trickling down her spine, and as he let go of her arm, settling back into his seat and starting the engine with a turn of the ignition key, his face was closed against her. ‘And as to my helping Mrs Cox, the offer was genuine.’ He negotiated the powerful car smoothly along the narrow lane. ‘I have an excess of spare energy at the moment and I prefer hard work to countless cold showers. Celibacy is not something I’m used to and holds no attraction that I can determine.’