Page 22 of Savannah's Secrets
Blake strained to listen for what might be bothering the dogs. Maybe Savannah had gone to the kitchen.
He got out of bed, his boxers sitting low on his hips, and cracked open his bedroom door.
No lights. No footsteps. No running water. Aside from the storm and the rain beating against the house, everything was quiet.
“No! No! Please! You have to save them.”
“Savannah?” Blake ran toward her room at the other end of the hall. He banged on the guest bedroom door. “It’s me—Blake. Are you okay?”
There was no response. Only mumbling and whimpering.
“Savannah, honey, I’m coming in.”
He tried the knob, but the door was locked. He searched over the door frame for the emergency key left by his brother’s building crew.
Blake snatched down the hex key, glad he hadn’t gotten around to removing it. He fiddled with the lock before it finally clicked and the knob turned.
He turned on the light and scanned the room.
Savannah was thrashing in the bed, her eyes screwed shut, tears leaking from them.
“Savannah, honey, you’re okay.” He touched her arm gently, afraid of frightening her. “You’re right here with me. And you’re perfectly fine.”
“Blake?” Her eyes shot open and she sat up quickly, nearly head-butting him. She flattened her back against the headboard. “What are you doing here?” She looked around, as if piecing everything together. “In my room.”
“You were having a bad dream. The dogs went nuts. So did I.” He sat on the edge of the bed, his heart still racing from the jog to her room. “I thought you were hurt.”
Her voice broke and her breathing was ragged. “Sorry I woke you, but I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not. Your hands are shaking, and you’re pale.”
“Thank you for checking on me.” She wiped at the corners of her eyes. “I didn’t intend to be so much trouble tonight.”
“I’m glad you’re here.” Blake lifted her chin so their eyes met. “I’d hate to think of what might’ve happened if you’d been out there alone on that road tonight. Or home alone in this storm.” He dropped his hand from her face. “Do you always have these nightmares during a storm?”
“Not in a really long time.” She tucked her hair behind her ear. “Talking about what happened that night probably triggered it.” Savannah pressed a hand to her forehead.
“I shouldn’t have pushed you to talk about your family. I just wanted to…” Blake sighed, rubbing Benny’s ears.
“What were you going to say?” For the first time since he’d entered the room, her hands weren’t trembling. Instead of being preoccupied with the storm, she was focused on him.
“There’s this deep sadness behind those brown eyes.”
Savannah dropped her gaze from his.
“You try to mask it by throwing yourself into your work. And you ward off anyone who gets too close with that biting wit. But it’s there. Even when you laugh.”
“Let’s say you’re right.” She met his gaze. “Why do you care? I’m just another employee.”
“I would think that kiss earlier proved otherwise.”
“So what…are you my self-appointed guardian angel?” Savannah frowned.
“If that’s what you need.” He shrugged.
Silence stretched between them. Conflicting emotions played out on her face. There was something she was hesitant to say.
Blake recognized her turmoil. He’d been struggling with it all night. Wanting her, but knowing he shouldn’t. He struggled with it even now.
“Thank you, for everything, Blake. For coming to check on me.” She scanned his bare chest.
Blake was suddenly conscious that he was sitting on her bed. In nothing but his underwear.
Good thing he wore boxers.
“Sorry. You sounded like you were in distress, so I bolted down here after Benny woke me up.”
Savannah turned her attention to Benny’s wide brown eyes and smiled for the first time since Blake had entered the room. She kissed the top of the dog’s furry head.
“Were you worried about me, boy?” She laughed when Benny wagged his tail in response.
Blake chuckled softly. Benny was a sociable dog, but he’d never been as taken with anyone as he seemed to be with Savannah.
“You’ve earned at least one fan here.” Blake’s face grew hot when Savannah’s gaze met his.
“Thank you both.” She gave Benny one last kiss on his snout. “I won’t keep you two up any longer. Good night.”
“Good night.” Blake turned out the light.
Savannah flinched in response to the lightning that flashed outside the window.