Page 26 of Savannah's Secrets
“If you came to help, you’re too late. I’m just about done here.” Zora stepped on a long branch, snapping it in two. Then she snapped each piece in half again.
Blake hugged his sister. It didn’t surprise him that she hadn’t asked for assistance. Since she was a kid, Zora had been determined to prove her independence.
“Well, since you’ve already got everything under control, maybe you can help me out. I don’t have anything for breakfast back at the house. I was gonna go grocery shopping this weekend but the bridge is out.” He shoved his hands in his pockets, hoping to avoid his sister’s usual forty questions.
Zora stopped breaking branches and eyed him. “Why don’t you fix breakfast here for both of us?”
“I’m not twelve, Blake. That doesn’t work anymore.” Zora propped a hand on her hip.
Blake sighed. “Okay, fine. I have company.”
Zora stepped closer. “Female company?”
Blake tried to keep his expression neutral.
“You don’t have women over to the house. Ever. Not since you broke up with Godzilla.”
“Gavrilla.” But he didn’t correct the part about him initiating the breakup. They both knew it wasn’t true, but saying it seemed to make his family feel better.
“Whatever.” She waved her hand. “This must be serious if you brought one of your out-of-town hookups home.”
“How did you—”
“I didn’t, but I always suspected that’s why you never take Daisy when you travel.” Zora looked more proud of herself than she had when her team had posted record sales numbers the previous quarter.
“Don’t you have anything better to do than to worry about who I’m sleeping with?”
“People around here talk. If they’re not talking, nothing’s happening. I haven’t heard about you hooking up with anyone around here and…well…you are a guy.”
“Zora, enough.”
He was not going to have a conversation with his sister about his sex life. Though Zora was an adult, she’d always be his baby sister.
“I can’t help it if I’m smarter than you.” She shoved him playfully.
“You’re the Jessica Fletcher of who is doing who in this town. Congratulations, Brat.” He dug up her childhood nickname. “Now, can we get back to my request?”
“Right. You need to shop my pantry.”
Zora removed her work gloves and headed toward the garage of her colonial. The place was newer than his, though a bit smaller and far more traditional-looking.
“Let’s find something you and your girlfriend can eat for breakfast.”
“Didn’t say she was my girlfriend.” Blake gritted his teeth.
Zora turned to him. “She woke up at your house, presumably in your bed. Just let that sink in for a minute.”
“I’m seriously starting to wish I’d gone to Mom and Dad’s house. Besides, they have real food. Not just crap that comes out of a box.”
“That hurts.” Zora punched his arm. “Besides, that’s no way to talk to someone you want a favor from, big brother.”
Zora opened her well-stocked fridge. She cut an egg carton in half and gave him half a dozen eggs. Then she took out a mostly full package of thick-cut maple bacon and an unopened jug of orange juice. She arranged everything in a reusable shopping bag.
“Please tell me you at least have the basics…cheese, milk, maybe an onion and some mushrooms.”
“I’m the one who actually cooks for myself,” Blake reminded her. “But I think I used my last onion making fried rice last night.”
“You cooked dinner for her, too?” Zora’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree that had just been plugged in. “After you left Mom and Dad’s last night?”
Ignoring her question, Blake accepted two sweet onions from his sister and dropped them in the bag, careful not to crack the eggs. “Thanks, Brat.”
“You’re not even going to give me a hint who I’m feeding?” She leaned one hip against the fridge.
“I don’t kiss and tell.” He hoisted the bag. “And I didn’t sleep with her.”
“Then why won’t you tell me who it is?”
“Because it’s none of your business.”
“Speaking of business…your mystery guest wouldn’t happen to be a certain not-so-Chatty-Cathy employee who you can’t seem to keep your eyes off, would it?”
Blake froze momentarily, but recovered quickly. Zora was fishing, hoping to get a reaction out of him. If he played it cool, she’d move on to another theory.