Page 29 of Savannah's Secrets
Her posture stiffened. She didn’t turn around. “What about last night?”
“It was amazing.”
“For me, too. Believe me.” Savannah’s cheeks were flushed but she seemed relieved. She moved to the counter and cracked eggs into a bowl.
“I like you, Savannah. I have since the day you walked into my office and called bullshit on me for trying to reschedule your interview.”
She looked at him briefly and smiled before washing her hands at the sink with her back to him. “But?”
“But I shouldn’t have kissed you or let things get as far as they did.”
She turned off the pan with the vegetables, then heated butter in another pan.
“I get it. I work for your family. Last night was my fault. You tried to show restraint. I should apologize to you.” She glanced over her shoulder at him. “It won’t happen again.”
“That’s the thing.” Blake stood, shoving his hands into his jean pockets. “I don’t want it to be over. I don’t think you do, either.”
Savannah turned to him slowly. She worried her lower lip with her teeth.
“It doesn’t matter what we want. You’re an Abbott, and I’m…” She sighed. There was something she wouldn’t allow herself to say. “I’m your subordinate. If anyone knew about what happened last night…it wouldn’t look very good for either of us.”
She wasn’t wrong.
Blake groaned, leaning against the counter. “I’ve never been in this position before.”
“You’ve never been attracted to one of your employees before?” she asked incredulously.
“Not enough to risk it.”
Her teasing expression turned more serious. She returned to her task. “You’re worried I’ll kiss and tell, like everyone else in this gossipy little town.”
“That isn’t it at all.”
“Then there’s no problem. Once the bridge opens, you’ll take me back to my car and we’ll pretend this never happened.”
Blake wanted to object. But Savannah was right. It would be best if they pretended last night never happened.
But that was the last thing he wanted to do.
* * *
“Thanks for breakfast,” Savannah said as she ate the final bite of her omelet. “Everything was delicious.”
They’d endured the awkward meal, both acting as if walking away from each other was no big deal. The heaviness in the air between them indicated otherwise.
“Your omelet especially.” Blake gathered their plates and took them to the sink. “Good thing I raided my sister’s refrigerator.”
“You told Zora I was here?”
“Of course not.” He turned to scrape the plates. “She hinted that she thought it was you, but she was just fishing. Trust me.”
Savannah joined him at the sink. “What did she say exactly?”
“I don’t recall her exact words.”
Savannah was supposed to be a fly on the wall. Working in the background, hardly noticed. Now she had the full attention of Blake and she’d be on Zora’s radar, too.
And if Zora suspected, did that mean she’d already told the rest of his family?
“But your sister asked specifically if it was me you were entertaining for breakfast?”
“She didn’t mention your name. And if she had any real reason to believe it was you, she would’ve told me. There’s nothing to worry about.”
“Maybe for you. Your family won’t fire you over this.”
“No one is getting fired. I promise.” He dried his hands on a towel and gripped Savannah’s shoulders. “Look at me.”
She did, reluctantly.
“I’d never let you get fired because of me. Trust me. All right?”
Savannah nodded, her breath coming in quick, short bursts. She’d come so far, and she was so close. She wouldn’t let anything derail her plans—not even Blake Abbott.
“When do you think I’ll be able to leave?”
“Got a weather alert on my phone.” Blake pulled it out of his pocket. “The bridge is still closed. According to the alert, it’ll be a couple of days. My dad already emailed us to say that if the bridge isn’t open by tomorrow, the plant will be closed on Monday.”
“I can’t stay here all weekend.”
“You don’t really have a choice.” He held her hand. His voice was quiet and calm.
“I don’t want to complicate things for either of us.”
“And I don’t want you to leave.” Blake lifted her chin. He dragged a thumb across her lower lip, his gaze locked with hers.
“I don’t want to, either.” The truth of her admission shocked her. They weren’t just words, and she wasn’t simply playing a role. “But we’ve discussed all the reasons I should.”