Page 47 of Savannah's Secrets
“Of course.” Savannah extricated herself from the small space, unable to bring herself to meet Blake’s wounded gaze.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Parker held up a hand, his large body blocking her exit. “A member of the security team will escort you to clean out your desk. It should go without saying that you’re fired.”
“Is that really necessary?” Blake turned to his brother.
“Very. Who knows what else she’ll try to take on the way out,” Parker insisted.
“No.” Blake made it clear the topic wasn’t up for debate. “We’re not causing a scene. I’ll walk her to her office, then to her car.”
“Good idea.” Max stuck his hand out. “Give me the key to your truck. Parker and I will load those tables and lamps Mama wanted for the barn.”
Blake handed Max the truck key and took Maureen’s keys from Parker. He gripped Savannah’s arm and led her out the door to the elevator.
“Blake, I can’t tell you how sorry I am.”
“Then don’t.” He wouldn’t look at her. The tone of his voice was icier than Parker’s eyes had been moments earlier. Shivers ran down her spine.
When they got on the elevator, she plastered her back against the wall.
“I never meant to hurt you, Blake, I swear. This isn’t what it seems.”
“Then what is it, Savannah? Do you have a reasonable explanation for stealing the housekeeper’s key, breaking into our archives and cowering in the corner? If so, I’d love to hear it.”
Her eyes met his, tears spilling down her cheeks. Her answer caught in her throat.
She’d imagined the misery of the day when Blake would learn she was a fraud. But the pain in his eyes and the pain exploding in her chest were so much worse.
For an instant, she wished she’d never come to Magnolia Lake. But if she hadn’t, she wouldn’t have uncovered the hand-scribbled notes and photo that proved her grandfather had worked closely with Joseph Abbott.
“I wish I could tell you everything…but I can’t. Not yet.”
“You lied to me. Made a fool of me.”
She’d misled Blake. Taken him off guard. But he wasn’t the fool. She was. Because she’d fallen for him. Hard.
“I had no choice. Believe me.”
“I wish I could.” He stepped off the elevator and led the way to her office.
“Blake, what are you doing here?” Maureen looked up from searching her cart.
“I had to retrieve something from the archives. I forgot my key.” He held out her key ring. “Hope you don’t mind—I borrowed yours.”
Savannah’s breath hitched.
Blake was protecting her, even now. Allowing her to save face with Maureen.
“Of course not.” Maureen grinned as she accepted the keys from Blake and dropped them into the pocket of her smock. “I was afraid I’d lost them some—” Maureen paused, her head tilted. She’d noticed Savannah had been crying.
“Savannah isn’t feeling very well.” Blake spoke up before Maureen could inquire. “We’ll be ten or fifteen minutes. Then we’ll be out of your way.”
“Hope you feel better, Savannah.” Maureen nodded and rolled her cart away.
Blake closed the door and shoved his hands in his pockets. He leaned against the wall, maintaining maximum distance between them.
“I’ll help you carry your things down.” His voice was stripped of the warmth and affection she’d come to adore. He was looking through her. Past her. Probably wondering what it was he’d ever seen in her.
The wave of nausea she’d been feeling for the past week rose. Savannah grabbed a half-full bottle of ginger ale from her desk and chugged it.
She dropped her planner, phone and a few other items from her desk into her bag and grabbed her purse. She held it up. “This is everything. Do you need to check it?”
Blake sighed, as if repulsed by, then resigned to, the idea of needing to search her.
He did a cursory search through the two bags she held open. Then he patted her pockets while she held her arms out wide and turned her back to him.
“One more thing.” Savannah pulled a small package from her desk drawer and handed it to Blake. “I’ve been meaning to give this to you. It’s one of those calming shirts for Benny, so he doesn’t freak out during the next thunderstorm. Unfortunately, they didn’t have one in my size.”
Her crushed heart inflated the slightest bit when a small smile curled the edge of Blake’s sensuous mouth.
The same mouth that had kissed hers. That was acquainted with her most intimate parts.
“Why didn’t I see this coming?” Blake laughed bitterly as he scanned her office. “Your office is as nondescript as your apartment. No family photos. Nothing personal. You never intended to put down roots here. You used me, and I was such a fool that I begged you to do it.”