Page 62 of Savannah's Secrets
“It means you won. Perhaps deservedly so,” Blake acknowledged as he swiped the dogs’ leashes from their hook on the wall. He opened the door and Sam and Benny raced toward her.
“Sam! Benny!”
The larger dog jumped on her, nearly knocking her backward. Blake was suddenly there with his arms around her, ensuring she didn’t fall.
Her heart raced as her gaze met his.
Blake held her in his arms, his chest heaving. Sam poked her leg with his wet nose and Benny barked. Yet, in Blake’s arms, it felt as if the world had stopped. It was only the two of them and the baby they’d made growing inside her.
“Thank you, Blake.”
Blake released her without response. He grabbed the leashes he’d dropped, clamping one on Benny and the other on Sam.
“I missed you two.” She showered the dogs with hugs and kisses. Their tales wagged and Benny licked her face. Savannah stood, meeting Blake’s gaze. She swallowed the lump in her throat. “I’ve missed you, too, Blake.”
Hurt and disappointment were etched between his furrowed brows. Yet there was a hint of affection in his dark eyes.
If she could peel away the layers of pain and distrust, maybe they could salvage the warmth and affection buried beneath. Grow it alongside the love she felt for him and for their child. Nurture it until it turned into something beautiful and lasting.
He didn’t acknowledge her admission. Instead, he gestured toward the path by the lake. “I have to walk Benny and Sam.”
“Blake, I…I love you.” The words stumbled from her lips.
“I would’ve given anything to hear you say that a couple of weeks ago.” He sighed. “Now, how can I trust that it’s not just another ploy to manipulate me?”
“I never used what happened between us to manipulate you. Everything I said to you…everything we did… For me, it was real. All of it.” She bit back the tears that stung her eyes. “I never intended to fall for you. But I couldn’t help wanting to be with you.”
Benny and Sam started to whine.
“Walk with us?”
She fell in step beside them.
“If you feel…the way you say you do…why didn’t you tell me before?”
“I felt guilty because of the secrets I was keeping. Making one confession without the other wouldn’t have been fair to you.”
“So what was the plan? To string me along until you found something?”
“There was no ‘plan’ where you were concerned.” She wrapped her arms around herself as they stopped for the dogs.
“Then why did you get involved with me?” He studied her.
“It wasn’t a choice.” She couldn’t help the involuntary smile or the tears that leaked from her eyes. “How could I not fall for you? You’re the most amazing man I’ve ever known.”
“But you couldn’t trust me with the truth?”
“I was torn between what I felt for you and doing right by my family. After I lost my parents, I promised myself I’d never stand by and do nothing again. I was determined to protect my family at all costs. Even if that meant losing what I wanted most. You.”
“So you used me to get what you wanted, and I played right into your hands.” Blake turned on his heels and headed back toward the house.
“I wasn’t trying to use you, Blake.” She scrambled to keep up with his long strides. “You were just…this vortex that pulled me in. I couldn’t resist, and after a while, I didn’t want to because you were incredible. And you made me feel special in a way I never had before. You made me want things I never wanted before.”
He stopped and turned to her. “Like a baby?”
“Yes.” Her mouth curved in a soft smile. She wiped away tears. “I didn’t plan this baby, but the instant I knew, there wasn’t a question in my mind about what I should do. I was given the most amazing gift. A piece of you. Our baby.”
His gaze dropped to her hand on her belly. He swallowed hard, neither of them saying anything for a moment.
Blake walked away without a word.
Savannah wanted to dissolve into tears, but she had no right to expect forgiveness. All she could do was hope that someday he’d want to be part of their child’s life.
* * *
Blake took the dogs inside. Savannah’s words pierced the hardened shell that had formed around his heart. Reminded him of the incredible moments they’d shared.
During the past week, he’d been forced to question every moment. Every kiss. Wondering if any of it was real.
Something deep inside him believed it had been, and that she truly did love him. He wanted to forgive her and to be excited about the child they were having.