Page 24 of Destination Desire
“You can. I promise.”
A light breeze rustled through her hair. She stepped forward tentatively.
“Relax.” He positioned her in front him, wrapped his arms around her waist, and nudged her forward ever so slightly. “We go together.” He pressed a kiss to her neck. “I’m here with you. I keep you safe.”
Slowly they inched forward. Raine kept her eyes closed tight, feeling solace in Blaise’s embrace.
“Open your eyes, chérie. For me.”
Blaise’s arms still tight around her, Raine opened one eye and then the other, her pulse fluttering rapidly.
Destination Desire: Thai’d Up
Thai’d Up
The woman appeared completely naked from behind.
Heidi Clarke stared out the picture window of her high-rise hotel room in Bangkok. Earlier, when she’d checked in during daylight hours, suited businessmen and women hustled through the crowded streets carrying briefcases, cell phones glued to their ears. Had she not known where she was, she might have mistaken downtown Silom for Wall Street.
But now? Neon flashing lights in blue, fuchsia, green, and purple nearly blinded her. She had heard about Silom’s night life, but here? Downtown? Where by day the stockbrokers and lawyers labored in their tight-ass Armani?
The city had morphed from bustling business district to den of iniquity in the time it took the sun to set.
The woman, of course, was not naked. She’d turned to speak to a couple men walking by, and strips of teal leather covered her breasts and crotch. Barely. From behind though, the thin halter straps and g-string were deceiving.
Heidi shook her head, trying to erase the vibrant images from her mind. Bedtime. Tomorrow she was interviewing the male model who would grace the cover of her magazine’s International Men calendar. Hardly the breaking news she’d wanted her first overseas assignment to be, but she was happy to be here.
Happy. And incredibly curious.
Would it hurt to venture out for a few minutes? Her guidebook insisted Bangkok was safe and had one of the lowest crime rates in the world. Heidi had never been to Thailand before. Heck, she’d never been off the North American continent.
Thank goodness her boss had assured her that Aran Narit, the gorgeous Thai model, had grown up in the States and spoke fluent English. In fact, everyone she had met so far at the airport and the hotel had spoken good English. Since all she knew in Thai were a few choice curse words, that worked out well.
Heidi ran a brush through her long blond hair, touched up her lipstick, and assessed her appearance in the mirror. Not bad, after a long flight. In her short-sleeved red silk blouse and black stretch capris, no one would mistake her for a streetwalker. A slight giggle escaped as she left the room.
In the lobby, she stopped at the concierge’s desk to ask about Silom’s nightlife, but he was on the phone, yakking in Thai. He smiled and gestured for her to wait, but she turned and left the hotel. After all, she would only be gone a short time.
She took a deep breath and glided through the revolving doors out into the crisp night air. Skimpily clad women walked the streets alongside families. To her relief, several normal-looking women were out alone. She was safe.
Twenty steps later, a young man stopped her.
“Pretty American. You want to buy a Rolex?” He rolled up his loose sleeve. Ten glaring gold watches jeweled his forearm.
She stifled a giggle. “How much?”
“Fifty American dollars, but for you, pretty lady, forty.”
“Uh, where exactly did these watches come from?”
“The best, kanittha. They come from Japan.”
“Rolexes come from Switzerland. So, no, thanks.” She brushed past the young man and continued walking.
“Authentic Japanese movement. Only thirty American dollars!” He called after her. “Solid gold…plate!”