Page 26 of Destination Desire
Heidi sighed. She had a huge day tomorrow. What in God’s name was she doing here? She escaped her place in line. Might as well head back toward the hotel.
“Leaving?” A gentle touch grazed her elbow. She turned and gazed into a handsome face.
At least what she could see of it was handsome. A white half-mask covered the left side, and he was dressed in a black cape, like the Phantom of the Opera. But what she could see was dazzling. He was clearly Thai, with creamy light bronze skin. His full pink lips curved upward to reveal perfect white teeth. An adorable shallow dimple adorned his chin.
And his eyes, oh, his eyes. They were such a dark brown they were almost black, and he had the thickest, longest ebony lashes she’d ever seen on a man. The stark white of the mask accentuated the darkness. His pitch black hair was slicked back in a ponytail hanging low on his neck.
“I thought you were American. Don’t you understand me?”
Jolted back to reality, Heidi nodded, willing her open mouth to close. “I’m sorry. Yes, I’m American. And yes, I understand you.”
“Please tell me you’re not leaving,” he said in a nearly perfect American accent.
“Um, yeah. I am.”
“This really”—she cleared her throat—“isn’t my thing. I don’t know what I was thinking, getting in line. I have a big day tomorrow.”
“Is this your first trip to Bangkok?”
“You’ve stumbled right into Patpong, the infamous red-light district of Silom. I was surprised to see you alone.”
“B-But…there are families out. And it’s light as day. Why wouldn’t I be safe?”
He leaned closer and lowered his voice to a husky whisper. “I didn’t say you weren’t safe. I said you were alone.”
“Oh.” Of course he had. God, don’t be an idiot, Heidi. His nearness made her quiver, and she took a deep breath. Sandalwood. He smelled like sandalwood and cloves. And man. She inhaled again.
“Patpong is actually safer than most of your larger American cities at night.”
She smiled. Or tried to, anyway. Her heart was beating a mile a minute. “Oh. That’s a relief.”
“But we don’t see a lot of American women out here alone. Seems most of you are overly cautious.”
“Yeah. Well, so am I. At least I thought I was. If you’ll excuse me.”
She turned to walk away, but the stranger caught her arm again and a sharp zing crept up to her shoulder and along the tender flesh of her neck.
“I could take you into the club if you like.”
“Wh-Why would you do that?”
Sexy, full lips curved upward. “I own it.”
“You do, huh?” Though curious, and shuddering from his closeness, Heidi couldn’t help but be suspicious. No matter how gorgeous this stranger was, she really shouldn’t go into a club with him. Yet she found it difficult to ignore the sparks from his touch.
“You speak excellent English.”
“I lived in America most of my life. Since I was five. I only recently returned to Thailand.”
Heidi cleared her throat again. “That’s…nice.” Though she knew she should pull away, something stopped her.
As though he sensed her ambivalence, he let go.