Page 5 of Christmas With You
When we got around to the side of the house, that was when I saw the issue. “Wow,” I said, dropping my toolbox. “I think we know what’s wrong.”
Her eyes widened. “That is crazy. It’s frozen solid.”
The unit was nothing but a large ice cube. I’d never seen anything like it before. “Yes, it is. It’s a first for me.”
Layla sighed. “Think you can fix it?”
I picked up my toolbox, but there was nothing I could do. “I can, but it won’t be today. I’ll have to get another unit and install it tomorrow.”
She looked terrified. “You’re kidding me, right? How am I supposed to stay here without freezing to death?”
Growing up, there were many nights we had to deal without heat or power, but I’d never felt it that cold before. There was no explanation for how frigid it was inside her house. I couldn’t let her stay there alone.
Taking a deep breath, I placed my toolbox back into my truck. “You can always stay at my inn,” I suggested. I turned around to face her. “There’s a small bedroom that’s vacant.”
Holding a hand over her heart, she breathed a sigh of relief. “That would be awesome. I’m going to take you up on that.”
I thought she’d yell and complain about the house, but that wasn’t what I got. She surprised me. Guess I thought she’d be full of herself and demanding. “Great,” I replied. “It’s the least I can do for you. I’ve never had problems like this with the heat before.”
“It’s okay. I’m just glad I have somewhere to stay. If I didn’t, I don’t know what I’d do.”
Her lips pulled back into a gracious smile, and I couldn’t help but smile back. “I’ll call my sister to get the room ready for you. She’ll be thrilled to know you’re staying. I think she’s your biggest fan. The gift basket was her idea.”
There was a twinkle in her eyes. “I’ll be sure to tell her thank you.”
I opened my truck door. “As soon as you’re ready, just come on over to the inn. I know you’ll want to pack some things.”
“Yes,” she breathed, turning her attention to the house. “Hopefully, I won’t freeze during that time.”
Chuckling, I hopped in my truck. “See you in a few, Layla.” She waved and disappeared into the house.
Once I was out on the main road, I called Brianna. “Hey,” she answered.
“Think you can get the small bedroom ready really quick?”
The sound of her typing away on the computer stilled in the background. “Of course. I’ll have it ready in twenty minutes.”
“Good. Because it just so happens it’s for Layla Aberdeen.” The line went silent. “Brianna?”
She sucked in a breath. “Are you seriously telling me that Layla Aberdeen is staying at the inn tonight?”
“Yep. Just left our old house. The heater is frozen solid. I can’t leave her there all night.”
“You can’t leave her in the small bedroom either,” she gasped incredulously.
“Layla is fashion royalty. The Rose bedroom will be like putting her in a broom closet.”
Leave it to Brianna to be dramatic. The Rose bedroom was small, but it wasn’t that small. “It’s a place to stay, Bri. We don’t have anywhere else to put her.”
“She can stay with me and Mom. Our guest room is way bigger than the one at the inn.”
An exasperated chuckle escaped my lips. “Not going to happen, Bri. I know what you’re trying to do here.” She just wanted the bragging rights of having someone like Layla in her house.
“Seriously, Colin, I’m not trying to do anything. Sticking Layla in that tiny bedroom is not the kind of publicity we need. We need to impress her. Just think about all the good things she’ll say about the inn. We’ll be booked up year-round.”
She had a point, and unfortunately, I had an idea. It wasn’t exactly to my favor, but it’d be all for the inn. “Fine. I know just what to do.”
Brianna squealed. “This is so exciting. I can’t believe I’m about to meet Layla Aberdeen.”