Page 168 of One Hot Summer
“Shoot,” she says, turning away from the counter to look at me. “I’m sorry, Luke. That was…a low blow. I’m sorry. I just…I want you to be happy.”
I wave away her apology because I know she didn’t mean to hurt me. “I don’t want to be single for the rest of my life, but Amanda’s just…not the girl for me. She’s not from here. She’s got a career and life somewhere else. And really, Bon, I really don’t know her at all. We might not even be compatible.”
“I’m fairly certain that some things are already compatible,” she says, giving me a look.
And damn it, but my cheeks flush. “A gentleman doesn’t talk about things like that.”
“Not asking you to. Just saying…she’s good for you. That’s all.”
The doorbell rings, releasing me from the most awkward conversation of my life, and I hurry from the kitchen, through the dining room to the front hallway, opening the door to find Amanda standing there. The pie she made on Monday afternoon is in one hand and she holds a bottle of wine in the other.
“Hi,” she says, grinning at me.
“Hey,” I say, unable to keep myself from smiling back.
She’s good for you.
Hmm. I can’t deny the way I feel around her—like the whole world is more exciting, more colorful and fun. She makes me feel manly and strong, sexy and needed. I know this thing we’ve got is temporary but feeling wanted again is something it’s going to be hard to let go of.
Happily, I don’t have to let go of it tonight.
My kids are outside and my sister’s in the kitchen, so I lean down and press my lips to hers, loving the way it feels to touch her—the way my heart skips a beat and my stomach is invaded by an army of butterflies. It’s a high I could get used to. That’s for sure.
“I wasn’t sure what the rules are for tonight,” she says, opening her pretty eyes to look up at me. “Are we…?”
She leaves the question open-ended, and honestly, I’m not totally sure what she’s asking me, but I think she’s wondering if we’re going to be kissing and touching in front of my family.
“Probably best not to,” I say, taking the pie and wine from her. “But I couldn’t resist stealing a kiss.”
“I gave it,” she says, with a sweet smile. “No larceny involved, officer.”
She’s cute and smart, and damn, but the way this woman looks when I’m making her come? It’s almost enough to make me look into becoming a frequent flier on Alaska Airlines. Almost. If that’s what she wanted too. Which she doesn’t. Which makes it a non-point.
Gah, Luke! Get out of your own head, man!
“Everything okay?” she asks, eyeing my expression.
“Yeah,” I say. “Definitely. Um…how was the rest of your day?”
“Good…but having lunch with you was the highlight,” she whispers before heading into the kitchen to say hello to my sister.
I watch her go, goosebumps rising up on my arms, because today was the first time she was comfortable enough with me to spread her legs and allow me to pleasure her with my lips and tongue. Her skin was fevered and quivering by the time she bucked against my mouth, her fingernails digging into my scalp as her head thrashed against the pillow. Fuck, but I’m desperate to taste her again.
Following her into the kitchen, I give Bonnie the wine and pie, then leave the ladies alone to chat while I check on the kids’ progress out back.
Chad has everything under control: a nice layer of tinder and kindling under a teepee of larger sticks and logs. I’ve taught my son how to survive in the wild, and he’s been a good student.
“Nice fire, Chad.”
“Thanks, Dad,” he mumbles, staring at it, but not at me.
“Everything okay, champ?”
Gillian speaks in a rush from where she sits across the campfire ring. “Chad went in to get matches and saw you kissing Miss Amanda!”
“Are you gonna marry her, daddy?” asks Meghan, sidling onto my lap.
“What? N-No!” I say. “I just met her. We’re just—you know, getting to know each other. It’s very new.”