Page 199 of One Hot Summer
“Just do it,” she argues.
I let out a little groan, trying my best to trust whatever she’s about to do, and I close my eyes. “Pucker,” she says.
“No,” I tell her.
“Pucker, Alexa, or I’ll squeeze your cheeks.”
I roll my eyes, but she can’t see since my eyes are closed. I pucker loosely, and I feel a wand pant over my lips. “Just some clear gloss. It’ll make him look at your lips.” Grace isn’t aware of my intentions or the challenge I’m walking into, but it’s like she knows.
“Will you stop worrying about me? This weekend is about you, and I will not be a selfish friend.”
“This makes me happy, Alexa. I love seeing you happy. It’s enhancing my already amazing weekend. I promise you.”
We gather our things to head out, and I strongly believe not one of us looks prepared to ride an ATV, but it is what it is. For some reason, the thought of other guests joining the excursion didn’t cross my mind. However, my head has been in the clouds for the last two days, too.
There are two couples joining us, but by the looks of their interactions and lip-lock lust, I don’t think we’ll be conversing much.
Lincoln changed his clothes at some point. He’s wearing a defined athletic tank top with shorts that enhance the definition of his ass. He’s in it to win.
“I think we’re all here,” Lincoln announces, avoiding eye contact with me. “Our shuttle should be here, and we can head offsite to the ATV park.” Lincoln lifts his clipboard and scrolls the tip of his pencil down what looks to be a list. “Everyone wearing closed-toe shoes?” The guidelines were on the brochure, so the three of us are prepared, but one of the two other couples are both wearing sandals.
“Oh, we didn’t bring anything other than sandals,” the woman says.
Lincoln stretches his lips to the side, appearing to think about the situation. “I can get in trouble for not following protocol. The guidelines are meant for your safety. We have an on-site gift shot that sells athletic apparel and shoes if you want to take a quick look. We have about five minutes before we have to leave.”
The previously kissing couple, share a look and nod their heads at the same time. “I think we’ll pass this time. Thank you, though,” the man says.
“Anytime. If you check in with the front desk, they can remove the charge from your room.”
Now, it’s just the three of us, and the one other couple. Taking a closer look at them now, they don’t seem too smitten to be here. I grouped them together with the two making out. These two might be on a make or break it trip, by the looks of it.
The shuttle ride is quick, and we arrive at an established ATV park. Lincoln spent most of the ride explaining rules and how the ATVs work so we aren’t standing in the sun listening to the boring part of the excursion, or as he put it.
Riding the ATVs doesn’t sound too challenging. I’m kind of excited. Macy looks like she might be churning over what we’re about to do, or it could be the tequila from last night coming back to bite her in the butt. Though, ATV riding is not a sport I would think Macy might be interested in trying out.
Grace seems pumped to go, though, so that’s what matters.
We’re all giving our own ATV, and our own lanes. There are some basic paths, and a few that have small jumps for when we feel comfortable. The person I am, already feels comfortable to try the jumps. However, I should baby my stomach a little longer too. The tequila is still wreaking havoc. Though, the breakfast of champions took the edge off.
The jitters wear off quickly, and I can clearly see Grace and Macy are having the times of their lives in their lanes. I’m also loving this. I might need to get myself an ATV when we get back home. I’d just need to find a place to ride it.
We’re about a mile out from the base in which we took off from, and Macy and Grace have just taken their u-turns to head back. I’m following in their dust, but my ATV is slowing down quickly. It’s dying. Crap.
I remember Lincoln saying there is a radio behind the back seat if we need to call for help, so I take the key out of the ignition and lift the back panel, locating the radio. I flip the on/off switch, receiving static in return. I haven’t used one of these walkie-talkie things since I was a kid, but I know the hold down the side button when talking.
“I have a dead ATV,” I say into the device.
I release the button and wait for a response. “Copy, I’ll be right down.” I don’t know if it’s Lincoln’s voice or one of the men who work at the park, but someone is coming down to help me at least.
It takes about five minutes before I see dust flying in the air behind another ATV driving toward me. I can’t tell who it is until the ATV stops a few feet in front of me and the dust settles. Lincoln to the rescue.
“Hey, you, beautiful damsel in distress,” he jokes.
I lock my hands on my hips and shake my head. “You’re funny,” I tell him.
Lincoln tries a few things to get my ATV back up and running, but must determine it’s a lost cause when he slaps his hand onto the seat. “Damn thing always breaks down. Number twelve needs to be replaced.”