Page 59 of One Hot Summer
I couldn’t help but laugh, too. “Guess she’s moved on from you. I’m glad she was able to pick up the pieces and get on with her life so quickly.”
He chuckled. “I’m going to grab a beer then we can head back out the Airstream to get your phone.”
I followed, recovering from our awkward moment as we made our way through the sea of bodies. As embarrassing as the encounter had been, it was kind of hot, too.
Once again, feelings of jealously threatened to overwhelm me. What would it be like to be one of the wild, beautiful girls who could hang out at a party all night, hooking up with any guy of my choosing?
Not that I wanted that lifestyle, necessarily, but I was envious of the confidence and freedom this girl obviously possessed. And her perfect boobs. Mine were okay, small perky handfuls, but nothing to write home about.
Part of me wondered why Aiden had chosen to hang out with me tonight instead of her. That could’ve been him in there, being pleasured by a gorgeous naked girl with bombshell boobs. Instead of watching a nerdy girl paint with ketchup on pavement.
By the time we made it back to the camper, my feelings must’ve been evident on my face.
“Hey,” Aiden said gently as we stepped inside the dimly lit space. “You okay?”
I stared at his handsome features. “Can I ask you something?”
“Sure.” His eyes met mine. They were the most amazing shade of blue. Reminded me of the cerulean crayon I had loved deeply as a child.
I glanced down at my Converse.
Put your big girl panties on, Em.
“Why did you pick hanging out with me tonight over, uh, what your brother was doing? I mean, I saw her earlier. You were definitely her first choice.”
He looked at me as if I’d just asked why brains weren’t considered a delicacy. “Seriously? That’s what you’re thinking about right now?”
I nodded. “It’s a reasonable question. Most guys would pick that over this any day.”
He leaned forward, his lips almost grazing mine. “Two things,” he said softly. “One, I’m not most guys. And two, I’ve learned that most things worth having don’t come easy.”
I wanted to kiss him again, but more than that, I wanted him to kiss me. My body ached for contact and he was so close.
“I’m worth having?”
His thumb traced my bottom lip. “You’re worth whatever it takes to get to know you. I’ve wanted to get to know you all summer, but you always rush into class late and run out of class early. Want to know a secret?”
“I’m bad at time management?”
He grinned. “I go into the coffee shop like three or four times a week hoping to see you.”
My heart plummeted straight into my stomach. Swallowing became difficult. “You do?” I choked out.
His eyes gleamed down at me. “I don’t even like coffee that much. You’re just…not like anyone else I’ve ever known. You’re intense. Focused. Thoughtful. Most people I know are addicted to their phones, attached to them, like, I don’t know, a lifeline or something. You let yours die and hardly look at it unless you’re checking on the well-being of someone you care about.”
“So, you’re interested in me because I can’t keep my phone charged?”
He huffed out a breath and gathered his thoughts before speaking again. “I’m interested in you because you turn everything into art. I’ve seen you making mosaics out of straw wrappers in class. I’m interested in a girl who takes care of her little brother, one who didn’t judge me earlier, or slut-shame Kenzie because she enjoys sex. I’m interested in spending every second I can with someone who is happy with a few packs of condiments as paint. You’re the first girl I’ve spent time with that isn’t constantly taking selfies or looking at social media trying to find somewhere better to be.”
“You want to know a secret?” I asked, gathering all my courage and boldly stepping into his personal space.
He eyed me carefully and nodded.
“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
This time, when our mouths met, he kissed me.