Page 138 of American Honey
I broke my tooth this morning on a damn cinnamon Jolly Rancher. Will is a pediatrician and owns his own practice. He shares a large office suite with a dentist, so Will made an appointment with him.
Sitting here in the waiting room ready to pass out from fear, I realize I may just die from anxiety. Even as a young child I hated the dentist. I remember biting, kicking and screaming while my momma tried to hold me down in the chair. She bribed me with everything under the sun if I would just be good. The only thing that would calm my nerves was my momma. She would hold my hand and sing in my ear. Today that wasn’t an option. Tommie offered to come, but I told her that her singing skills suck ass, which I might add is very true. I begged Will just to knock my ass out with some strong drugs, but he said that it was illegal.
So, I sit here picking at my worn blue jeans. The hole on my upper thigh is getting rather large. I know I need a new pair of jeans, but I despise shopping, period. One pair of jeans and plenty of tees are good enough for me. I own a couple o
f pairs of shorts that I only wear in the privacy of my home. Life is very simple for me.
The piercing ding of the door opening draws my attention from nervously picking at my pants. I look up to see another patient entering the small waiting room. Panic sets in and I start to sweat. My name is going to be called any moment. Wringing my hands together, as the patient who just walked in plops down beside me. If I look up I may puke.
“Uh? You okay?” Comes a deep, dark voice that vibrated through my whole body.
I’m in no mood for small talk. The need to focus on not having a complete mental breakdown over getting a tooth fixed at the age of twenty-two is all but consuming me at the moment.
I look up and deep brown hair and olive skin with high-defined cheekbones are the first things I notice about him. Shaggy and messy hair all combine together to create a beautiful masterpiece. I look into the stranger’s deep dark brown eyes and completely freeze with a sensation of belonging. My eyes immediately are magnetized to his. A couple freckles lightly splatter the bridge of his nose. His body is tall and lean. The stranger’s a beautiful man. I know the word beautiful and man typically don’t go together, but he is completely beautiful. There’s a simple essence about him that makes my tummy flip. There is a force in the room that is dragging me to him.
Then my ever so brilliant mouth decides to work. “No, I’m scared shitless. I am twenty-two and believe all dentists are evil minions sent to do the devil’s work. I want my momma right now and I can’t have her.”
Tears fill my eyes before I realize it and try desperately to dry them and will them away forever. This is ridiculous. I’m an absolute emotional basket case, but I never share my craziness with anyone except Tommie and Scarlett. All the devastation and my irrational emotions have been bottled up inside me for years. Why now in a dentist office in front of a beautiful stranger am I going to lose my shit?
The kind, hot stranger just smiles.
“I can hold your hand if you want,” he suggests.
I start laughing out loud and duck my head to hide the amusement spreading over my face.
“You must think I’m crazy,” I whisper softly.
“I won’t lie, I think your theory about minions is a little crazy, but I’ll be honest, crazy is hot.”
My face fills with even more heat, and my tummy flips again. My insides cringe at this feeling. It only brings back awful, hated memories of love. This stranger is giving me a run for my money, and with a fake leg, I can’t run very damn fast these days.
“Thanks,” is all that leaves my lips.
An older, hefty dental hygienist opens the door and peers around the room. I’m now convinced everyone in the dental field are evil minions. This man is downright scary looking. “Tessa, Tessa Jones,” he booms out in a thick, gruff voice as his meat cleavers of hands grip the file folder. All the blood leaves my face and instant dizziness sets in. I’m going to die in this motherfucking dentist office today. My breathing is out of control until the stranger grabs my hand and pulls me towards the door.
“I’m with Tessa today, Hugh,” he replies as he marches his way back to a small cubical. In this very small cubical is all the terrifying equipment that is going to kill me. The stranger gently pushes me down into the chair. Immediately, I try to climb out of the chair.
“Sit down or I’ll sit on you,” he replies.
I refuse to listen to him and again try to get up from the chair. Within seconds, he plops down dead center in my lap. I mentally cringe and think out all the options of keeping him from touching my legs. Then in the middle of this scheme, I realize this beautiful stranger is sitting on my lap.
“Okay Tessa, it’s going down like this. You are getting your damn tooth fixed today without passing out on me. I happen to know the dentist very well. I know for sure he is not in cahoots with the devil. He’s my dad and is amazing at what he does.”
“My name is not Tessa. It is Tess,” is all I can manage to say.
Why is this man still here with me? Why isn’t he leaving? And most importantly, why the fuck is he still on my lap?
A tall, slender man walks around the corner. He’s a much older version of the stranger holding my hand. Holy Shit! The dentist offers me a warm smile and gives his son a quizzical look.
“One, what are you doing here, Finn? Two, how many times do I need to tell you to stay off my patient’s laps?”
“You see, Dad, we here have ourselves a big old chicken. She thinks you are going to do her in. I’m just offering up some comfort to the poor thing.”
“On her lap? Damn boy, thought I taught you better. Get up now.”
Finn. His name is Finn. He fits it to a tee.
Standing up, he continues to talk to his dad as his dad prepares some instruments.