Page 186 of American Honey
“Because, there are plenty of girls at school who would die to be your girlfriend.”
“Yeah, well I’m not interested in any of them.”
“Really? That’s funny, I remember you being interested in Darla, Jen, Tammy, Lisa—”
“Alright!” I cut her off there. “I get your point. But I wasn’t really ‘interested’ in them. We just hung out. I was always honest that I wasn’t looking for a relationship.”
“And you are now?” Laney challenges me with sharp blue eyes.
“Maybe I met someone I actually want to be with.”
“Oh, really? I would love to meet her.”
“I think you know her pretty well. She goes to school with us. She has dark hair with red streaks and big, beautiful blue eyes. I call her Lemon.” There. I said it. A weight has been lifted, for now.
“And she hates it, sort of.” Laney stares at me with a look of mixed emotions.
“Why do you hate it?”
“Because, I don’t know if it’s just to toy with me or you’re actually serious about your feelings.”
“I liked you from the moment I met you.”
“You like a lot of girls, Kam.”
“Not the way I like you.” I sit up and put my plate down as I take Laney’s out of her hand. I’m going to be bold. I grab Laney’s wrist and pull her to me. She gasps but doesn’t pull away as I trap her against my body.
“Kam—” She’s tense in my arms. Her heart is beating against my chest and the smell of her flowery perfume is enlivening all my senses.
“Shhh.” I drop my head down so my mouth is an inch away from hers. This is my megaphone, screaming loud and clear that I want her. That I need her. “Laney, all I’m asking is that you give me a chance. One chance.”
“One chance at what?”
“To show you I’m not the guy you think I am.”
She looks up at me with those big blue eyes. I melt. I’m hers, there’s no question. Now all I need is her to be mine.
“Fine, Kam.” She eyes me speculatively, a hint of humor dancing on her lips. “I’ll give you a chance to prove it.”
“You will?” I sound a little more surprised than I mean to.
“Yes.” She giggles.
I lean in to kiss her, but she stops me by placing a finger on my mouth. “No. Prove to me we can hang out because you want me and not just my body.”
“I want all of you,” I tell her truthfully.
“Okay then. So tonight it’s just pizza and Xbox and if you’re a good boy, I’ll give you a kiss.”
“With tongue?”
“With tongue. I might even rub up against you.”
“I can’t wait to start being good.”
Laney brushes her lips across mine. My body goes berserk. “A good faith gesture.”
I’m left utterly speechless. I’ve never encountered anyone so audacious, yet reserved, coy and fearlessly transparent. Laney has me in awe.