Page 202 of American Honey
I reach into the back seat. “I want you to wear this.” I hold up the shirt. Laney looks down at my practice jersey and then back up at me. “I know it, and you know it, now I want everyone else to know exactly who you belong to.”
She beams and pulls on the jersey. It goes perfect with her little cut-off shorts and Converse sneakers. I wonder if one of these days I can persuade her to wear a pair of cowboy boots. Preferably naked.
“I think it’s only fair if I wear something of yours you should wear something of mine.”
I look at her funny.
“Relax. It’s not my underwear or anything.” She giggles, as she removes a black braided bracelet from her wrist. I would have never even noticed it; she’s wearing like twenty of them. “I made it for you.”
“You did?” I slip it on. It feels right.
“Hmmm hmmm. I wanted you to have something to remember me by.”
My face falls. “Are you going somewhere?”
“Maybe. I still haven’t decided where to go to college.”
“What are your options?” I swallow the lump in my throat. I know Laney has never been thrilled to live here, even if she did say the county was growing on her.
“New York, New Jersey, Maryland, and Alabama.”
“Alabama?” My interest is piqued.
“Yes. Miranda talked me into the applying to the University of Alabama. She has this nutty hope we could go to college together.”
“And you’re having trouble deciding?”
“I’m not sure the new star quarterback for the Crimson Tide wants his high school girlfriend toting after him all year.” She bites her lip. It’s sweet and sexy all at the same time.
“Laney? Are you crazy? I’m personally driving to Tuscaloosa so you can drop off your deposit.” I pull her
over the seat and into my arms. Then I kiss her so hard she squeaks. I hope everyone sees, too.
“So you wouldn’t mind if I stayed?” She bats her eyelashes. A piece of dyed red hair is falling over her face.
“Mind? Lemon, if you decided to go anywhere else, I would haul you back here. No questions, no arguments.”
Laney kisses me, and there’s so much heat behind it, the windows may just shatter. “Keep that up, sugar, and we may end up in the storage room.” I joke.
“One, don’t ever call me sugar. Two, I think we still have twenty minutes before first period.” Laney smiles shamelessly.
“I love you.” I laugh.
Laney freezes. Her blue eyes, wide. Whoops that just slipped out. I wait for a response. And wait and wait. Should I worry yet? Then Laney relaxes in my arms and slips her hands around my neck. “I love you, too.”
Words have never sounded so good. Except for ‘you have been accepted to the University of Alabama.’
“Let’s go, Lemon. I want to show my new bracelet off.” I smack her ass.
She kisses my neck.
We each step out of my pickup and meet at the back of the cab. I grab her hand and look up; that’s when I notice everyone staring. Laney fidgets.
“Why are you fidgeting? I thought you were used to being in the spotlight?”
“I never said I was used to it.” Laney squeezes my hand. “I’d rather it be reserved for the men in my life,” she says so only I can hear her.
“Well that better change fast. Because if they didn’t know you before, they sure as hell are going to know you now.” I look down at her.