Page 234 of American Honey
Not even ten seconds later, another message pops up.
Beau: You know who this is.
Me: I do?
Beau: I guess I’ll have to remind you later beautiful.
Christ almighty, it’s a good thing I’m sitting down. Beau thinks I’m beautiful? I can’t contain the faint blush that’s now spread across my entire face and Sienna grabs my phone to see what the conversation says.
“Oh my gosh, yep he has the hots for you. Tell me you don’t hate me.” she says.
“How could I possibly hate you? God thinks I’m beautiful.” I practically swoon.
“Did you just call him God?” she doubles over laughing. “Please get drunk and call him that tonight.”
I grab the pillow and throw it at her head which makes her laugh more. “Kiss my ass Sienna. So tell me before tonight so I’m not blindsided, what is this thing with you and Rob? Seriously, fill me in.”
Sienna smiles as she sits beside me and her face lights up. “Well we aren’t anything official yet, but we’ve been talking for a few months now. We started out as just friends. Hanging out with Rob is how I got to know Beau a little better. Rob is sweet, he’s hot as hell too. Well, you will see when you meet him. Surprisingly, it doesn’t bother me that we aren’t officially dating, but he knows I don’t talk to any other guys and he doesn’t talk to any other girls. I guess we’re just waiting to make it right, you know? Does that make sense?” she asks.
“It makes perfect sense. Why rush something that is good for you? That’s the issue with all these stupid guys I’ve been with. They try to rush it and it completely ruins it for me. I am not just looking to give my heart to the first guy to jump up and say they love me, like me or whatever. Maybe I am being too hard or maybe I just haven’t met the one. Who knows?” I think I am way too hard on these guys, but what I haven’t told her is that in the few encounters I’ve had with Beau, I’ve never felt more alive. What the hell is it about him? I don’t know that I’ll ever know, but whatever this attraction is, can’t become too much of anything because at the end of the summer, it’s back to Missouri for me and then I’ll probably never see him again.
“Well, I can’t wait for you to meet him. I want to know what you think. I fully trust your opinion Shay.” She tells me with the most serious look on her face.
“I can’t wait to meet him either. If he makes you smile like this, then he must be special.” I say pulling her in for a hug.
She pulls away and claps her hands together. “I hope this summer lasts forever Shay. This is so awesome and much better than when we were kids. Now, we can actually do things on our own without our parents telling us no!”
“I know, pretty awesome isn’t it? Oh, did you get that job you were looking at?” I ask her out of curiosity. If she starts working, I’ll need something to do with my time while she is gone.
“No, I decided it wasn’t what I wanted. You know I’m getting my Accounting degree, and with as much work as it can be, I want to find the perfect place to work. Some of them are okay, but I want to be able to walk in and know I’ll be happy there.” Sienna is a trust fund baby. Her parents set one up for her and she is taken care of. She probably doesn’t ever have to work, but that’s what I love about her, she doesn’t let the money speak for her. She’s strong-willed, motivated and fully believes in working for everything.
“I was just checking to see if I needed to occupy my day time hours.”
“Oh, you mean with Beau? And sorry missy, you are stuck with me all summer long. I didn’t ask you to come down here for nothing!” she smiles.
“Oh shut it and good!” I tell her as I pick up my phone one more time to stare at the message from Beau. I stare at the time and it’s still early. I’m so anxious to see him. I haven’t been this anxious to see a guy in like, ever. Something tells me this is something that just may break me. Do I want to be broken? If it breaks me, then what happens? I’m clearly overthinking this, so I smile at the phone and set it back down. I eyeball my outfit and imagine his eyes roaming up and down my body.
Chapter 6
My hair is cascading down my back in the most perfect waves ever. Too bad the humidity is probably going to kill it, but for now, it looks so good. My new pair of shorts really makes my legs look longer than they are and this top, is wow. Beau Granger will be drooling when he sees me. I’m smiling confidently in the mirror when Sienna walks in the room.
“Check you out Shay. He’s going to eat out of the palm of your hand!”
“Yeah, we’ll see. Look at you! I love that top, you’re going to have to let me borrow it sometime this summer.”
Her one-shoulder blouse looks amazing on her and I’m kinda wishing I had bought one too. The sun is beginning to set and Sienna hands me a shot glass. “Here’s to a great night and great summer!”
We clink our glasses together and tilt the glasses back. The shot burns going down, but tastes so good. She grabs the keys to her car and we begin the drive out to Rob and Beau’s house. We turn down so many back roads, I’m confused as hell. I’m glad Sienna knows where we are. We have to turn down a dirt road to get where we’re going. I’m suddenly so thankful we didn’t take my car here tonight, I would have had a damn heart attack. We end up back on pavement and in a few more turns, we pull into a driveway.
There are Christmas lights with multi-colored solo cups attached to them strung between trees and they are the coolest thing I have ever seen. The reds and blues are coloring the area around us and in that moment, I catch the eye of God himself. I’m assuming the blonde hair guy beside him is Rob when Sienna blushes and tries to hide it. This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.
A few more cars pull in behind us and someone just started playing music. Beau casually steps closer to me as Rob grabs Sienna by the hand. I haven’t been introduced to him yet, but that is the least of my worries at this point in time.
“Hey beautiful,” Beau says as he leans in and places a kiss on my cheek.
“Hey,” I manage to squeak out
without sounding silly. I’m on edge all of a sudden and Sienna left me alone.