Page 241 of American Honey
Beau: See you then beautiful.
I set the phone down and stare at the time. It is only three in the afternoon so I have a few hours. I walk out of the room and smile widely at Sienna. “What are you smiling so big for Shay?” she asks as she digs through the refrigerator for a bottle of water. “Want one?” She holds on out to me.
I grab the bottle and take a sip before replying, “Beau is picking me up at six and we’re going back to his place.”
Her eyes widen and her smile becomes contagious. “Hell yeah! Wear the new bra and panties!”
“That’s already the plan.” I say confidently.
“I’m going to wear mine too. Rob’s going to lose his mind when he sees it. Hopefully it stays in one piece.”
“As much as that bitch Victoria’s Secret costs, I would hope so!” I laugh. She almost spits her water everywhere from laughing so hard. This is why I love her.
“Better watch yours, you know how Beau looks at you. He looks at you like you are a freaking goddess, but then again, you do think he looks like God.”
I smile because he does. Just thinking about him is making me antsy to see him tonight. I can’t wait until he knocks on the door. I just may jump him and beg him to take me right there in the kitchen. I won’t have to stare at this kitchen table after this summer, so it wouldn’t matter to me.
“He is a God and damn is he good in bed.” I can’t help but smile like a lunatic.
“He’s that good huh?” Sienna says before her phone rings. Her eyes light up when she looks at the screen and the way she answers lets me know it’s Rob. I’d feel much more comfortable sitting in my room instead of listening to their love fest. I wave to her before stalking back to my room and I carefully pull the new bra and panties out of the bag. Men are crazy about lace, it’s like some unspoken rule. As if Beau Granger doesn’t already eat out of the palm of my hand, he definitely will be tonight.
Rob picked Sienna up thirty minutes ago. That left me exactly thirty minutes to finish getting ready. I sprayed my perfume on before putting on my new bra and panties. I stare at myself in the mirror for a moment, happy about the reflection before me. I put on a skirt and a tank top. He didn’t say we were going anywhere but back to his house, so I am aiming to be comfortable.
Right at six, there’s a light knock at the door. My eyes dart in that direction and butterflies overtake my stomach. The assault causes me to hold my breath. I’m trying not to rush too quickly to get to answer it. When I open the door, the sight of Beau in his tight black t-shirt makes me weak in my knees.
“Are you ready Shay? You look beautiful.” He grabs my hand pulling my knuckles up to his lips.
“I am.” I say as I walk out the door making sure it’s locked behind me.
We walk hand in hand to his white Dodge Ram. Like a true gentleman, he opens the door for me. He grabs ahold of my hand in the truck and doesn’t let go until we get to his house.
It smells amazing as we walk inside. He leads me to the kitchen where the table is set for two. There are two unlit candles that he quickly lights before pulling a chair out for me. He walks to the oven and pulls out a pan of lasagna. Carefully, he sets it on the stove and begins cutting it. He places a plate in front of me and it’s literally making my mouth water.
“I hope you like it. It’s my grandma’s old recipe.” He tells me as he sits across from me.
“You made this?” I ask him in awe. I know my Dad can cook, but I’ve never met a man who knew his way around a kitchen. This brings a whole new meaning to the words ‘sexy man.’
“I did. I’ve never made it before. She talked me through it on the phone.” He says laughing a little. “I wanted to do something nice for you.”
It’s these little freaking things that he keeps doing that’s making this harder and harder for me. “It looks amazing Beau.”
I take a bite and it melts in my mouth. “Mmmm.” I moan with my eyes closed. “This is amazing.”
“Shay, you can’t moan like that or I swear we won’t make it through dinner. I’m trying to behave here.” He says with a strained voice.
I take a deep breath as I finish eating without tempting him too much. His eyes never leave mine as we eat and it’s turning me on so bad. I almost want to tell him we can just eat later, but he worked so hard on this, I’m going to enjoy every single bite.
We finish eating and I help him clean up the kitchen. In a matter of minutes we are done and he grabs me by the hand. “Was it really that good or were you just being nice?”
“Just being nice? Hell no, that was amazing Beau! I’ve never had a guy cook like that for me before. It was delicious. Thank you so much.”
“I’m glad you liked it, I’ll have to tell my grandma.” He smiles. He’s so proud of himself and he should be. I haven’t seen him fail at anything he’s attempted to do. He’s pretty amazing.
I look at him seductively and swallow before I plunge off the deep end. “If you’re still hungry, I have dessert.”
“Fuck,” he growls. “I was trying to be a gentleman tonight, but now that you’ve said that, I can’t wait any longer.”