Page 243 of American Honey
“I love surprises.” He says as he places a lingering kiss on my cheek. I suddenly can’t wait for tonight.
Chapter 12
“Shay, come see! You have to try this drink!” Sienna walks up slurring a little more than normal.
I eyeball her glass and shake my head no. Whatever the hell she is drinking, has got her way more toasted than normal. “No, I’m good! I have a drink here.” I say pointing to my own glass.
She laughs at me and shrugs her shoulders. “Oh well, more for me! Hey, Beau was looking for you.”
I turn my head looking to see where he may be. I haven’t seen Beau in a few minutes. It sounds pathetic that I’m keeping track, but I don’t care. When I spot him, I can’t stop the smile from spreading across my face. His smile matches mine and he stops the conversation he’s in, and walks up to meet me. I can taste the whiskey on his breath as he kisses me and it’s completely intoxicating.
I’m drunk on his kiss by the time he pulls away and I can’t help but lick my lips to taste the sweetness that lingers. I keep waiting to wake up and know this has been an amazing dream, but this is real and it’s something I’ll never be able to forget.
“Hey beautiful, I’ve been looking for you.” He murmurs against my ear.
“I was talking to Sienna. She wanted me to try her drink, but I don’t trust what she was drinking.”
“Wanna go somewhere with me for a minute?” he asks. I raise my eyebrow trying to figure out what he’s up to.
“Where are we going?” I ask.
“Follow me.” he says grabbing my by the hand. He walks over to a four-wheeler and pats the seat. I look at the thing like it’s the last thing on earth I’d ever sit on. I’ve never been on one before, but I know Beau wouldn’t let anything happen to me. I draw in a deep breath as I reach for his hand. He helps me get on and then sits in front of me. He starts the engine and my hands immediately wrap around his waist. I clench him tightly as he slowly begins to drive off from the party.
Beau drives with ease down the dark road. There isn’t a car to be seen anywhere and it’s sorta nice. It’s just me, Beau, and the dirt road. I can hear the crunch of the dirt below the tires. I never realized we came out that far. He pulls the four-wheeler over and parks in the grass. There are tons of trees around and if you look just far enough, you can see almost every star in the sky. It’s mesmerizingly beautiful.
“I wanted some time with you away from everyone at the party.” He tells me. It takes a minute for my hearing to come back to normal now that the four-wheeler is off. He is sheer perfection and he knows it. Standing in the moonlight has him glowing and I can’t take my eyes off him.
“I’m glad you did.”
He pulls me in for a kiss, his lips still taste just as intoxicatingly sweet as they did before we left the party. I moan as he deepens the kiss. The feelings that I feel coming up for him, are trying to surface, but there is no way in hell I could ever let that happen. Letting that happen would be like signing my own death wish. It’s like committing suicide.
“You are so damn perfect Shay. I’m so glad I got this chance with you.” He kisses down my chest.
My breath hitches as he cups my ass pulling me closer to him. This seems so crazy to be outside like this but right now, I don’t care. I tug at his zipper and he lets out a groan. “Fuck, Shay. I need to feel you.”
I’m glad I wore a skirt tonight and as I lower myself onto his throbbing cock, I close my eyes and see more than just the stars in the sky. I see stars of my own.
He wore me out. I don’t know if the idea of being caught scared the shit out of me, but every thrust seemed to feel so much more pleasurable than normal. It was exhilarating and the hottest damn thing I’ve ever done in my life.
I sit with my back to him on the four-wheeler with his arms wrapped around my waist. This is too perfect and the fact that all this is coming quickly to an end, has me feeling sad. I close my e
yes and let out a sigh. I don’t realize I did it until Beau kisses me behind my ear. “You okay?”
“Yeah Beau, I’m good. It’s beautiful out here.”
“You make it even better. Shay, I want to tell you something. I know this doesn’t change things, hell I wish it could, but I still can’t let this go unsaid.”
I turn around to look at him wondering what he is trying to say. He looks nervous as hell sitting there and when our eyes lock, he runs his hands over his hair. “What is it Beau?”
Big mouth Shay has to open her mouth about everything. It’s just me, it’s who I am and what I do. He gazes into my eyes and it hits me in the pit of my stomach. I know exactly what’s going on and I so badly want to freeze time to stop this moment, but I can’t and it’s going to forever alter everything. I’m not ready for this to happen, I’m not ready to ruin this yet. It wasn’t supposed to be ruined until I left to go back home.
“Shay, I’m in love with you.” He says with hope in his eyes. Hope, the one thing I crush on a daily basis. I never wanted to have to do this to him. Could I love Beau Granger? I so could love him in the perfect world where we live in the same city, but to live states away? I couldn’t put myself or him through that.
“Beau, stop.” I stammer out the best I can.
“Shay, don’t tell me you don’t feel it too, I know you do. We can make something work I know we can.”
“Beau, please listen to me. This wouldn’t be fair to either of us. I live in Missouri and I’m happy there. This was supposed to just be summer fun, and I don’t know what happened.” I whisper. Fuck, I love Beau Granger. Someone call the press and print this first thing, Shayleigh Dougherty has fallen in love.