Page 56 of American Honey
“Shh,” he puts his hands over his ears. “Stop yelling.”
I laugh, “Hangover from hell, huh?”
He moans and lays his head on his bag and that’s when I get a glance at his neck.
I snort, “What in the hell is that?”
Tanner has bite marks all over his neck and one on his jaw.
“That would be considered ‘marking your territory’ from the vampire I’m dating.”
Knox burst out laughing. I turn in my seat and pull my seat belt on. “Well, at least we know how to have a good time.”
Tanner huffs, “Yeah, well I’ve got a lollipop stuck in my hair that I can’t get out.”
I whip my head back around and flip his hat off his head. Sure enough he has a red lollipop stuck to his hair. I try to pull on it and he slaps my hand away.
“I told you it’s stuck.”
I giggle, “I can see that.”
Tanner lies back down and puts his hat over his face. I lean my seat back and get comfortable for our two-hour car ride to Myrtle Beach.
Knox is so in love with Savanna. It’s the kind of love that you read about in fairytales. Knox met Savanna back home in New Jersey. They met his sophomore year in college. Savanna was tutoring for statistics and Knox was assigned to her. They went out once for dinner and spent almost every day after that together. Savanna is my favorite out of all the girls who Knox has dated over the years. She wasn’t stuck up like a lot of the girls he dated were. She just fit in with our family. If I ever need to vent about the boys, I knew I could always count on her to listen.
About four months ago Savanna called me in the middle of the night crying. She took a pregnancy test and it came back positive and she was afraid to tell Knox. She thought he was going to hate her. After staying on the phone with her for hours I convinced her that he wouldn’t hate her, that she should know him better than that. She told him the next morning and called me that afternoon to tell me that Knox was actually happy about it.
“You sure you know what you’re doin’?” I ask Knox who is standing on a ladder hanging lights from the roof across the deck, making a million tiny stars in the night sky with the amount of lights he was stringing up. It was going to be breathtaking.
“Yes, hold the ladder, will you?”
Snickering I grab a hold of the ladder and start shaking it. Knox is afraid of heights, if you ask him he’ll deny it, but it’s true. It’s the one chink in his cocky armor and I hold the power right now. I continue giggling like a school girl.
“Knock it off, asshole.” He seethes.
See I told you.
“Knox, this is absolutely beautiful but Savanna isn’t gonna to care about the lights. Go get a bunch of candles, set them up all over your room, light them and get rose petals. Spread them all over the bed, get down on one knee ask her to marry you.” I shake my head. “It’s really simple.”
Knox climbs down and takes his phone out of his pocket. He sighs as he types a message out on his cell phone. “They’re on their way. Savanna said Dad is trying to pass some jerk who’s drunk and shouldn’t be driving.”
Knox’s parents are driving Savanna down since Knox refuses to let her make the trip herself and he wanted to have everything ready before she got here tonight.
“Well, let’s get this show on the road then.”
He throws his arm around my shoulder and runs his knuckles over my scalp. “That’s what I like to hear.”
I have to admit the house looks damn good. Knox set up everything perfectly. Candles and roses are in every room of the house. He cooked dinner and it’s sitting in the oven keeping warm. He just got out of the shower and Tanner and I are waiting for him to run us over to the hotel for our “special night” as well.
Tanner wraps his arms around me from behind, “Maybe we can make a baby.” He whispers in my ear.
I jab my elbows back hitting him in the sides, “Are you fucking crazy? Our parents would have heart attacks.”
Tanner shrugs, “They’ll deal and then we won’t have to sneak around anymore at least.”
I shake my head as I walk over to the bottom of the stairs, “Knox! Are you ready yet? Tan’s trying to make you an uncle.”
Knox comes down the stairs laughing and shaking his head, “Only Tanner would want to make a shitty situation worse.”