Page 60 of American Honey
I toss my phone on the ground and pull Rhea in my arms. “What’s goin’ on?” Rhea asks.
“Savanna never showed. No one is answering their phones either.” I say then kiss the side of her head. “There was a drunk driver they were following and cops never showed up to pull him over so his dad was just goin’ to go around him. He’s out of his mind with worry and is goin’ to try to find them.”
“Oh my God,” Rhea whispers.
I hold on to Rhea afraid she’ll disappear even though I know that’s not possible. “Let’s get inside.”
Rhea nods and climbs off my lap and grabs the sheet to shield her naked body but holding one arm out for me to cover myself as well. We both slide into bed, holding each other close and praying that all is well.
Little did we know what had already been put in motion. It was something none of us would ever be able to come back from. My family, once again, was going to be pushed to the brink without any guarantee we’d make it back in one piece.
Chapter Seven
~ Age 18, hours after the accident ~
The sky is splashed orange and pink, so alive and luminous, it’s going to be a beautiful day but in reality it’s an ugly, painful day. My best friend just lost everything in the blink of an eye. The sky should be grey and gloomy, not bright and cheery. I just can’t breathe, haven’t been able to get a breath and the weight on my chest feels like the equivalent of having an elephant sitting there.
Tanner got a call a few hours ago from Rex, sobbing into the phone, telling him that his parents and Savanna passed away. We’re sitting in the airport waiting for our flight to board. An interminable wait only made worse by the fact that everyone around us is going about their lives with what seems not a care in the world. Damn you all, just damn you all to hell.
I’ve been bawling like a baby all night. My eyes are red, swollen and they burn. Tanner has barely said two words to me since hanging up with Rex. He just watches my every move.
Tanner had put the call on speaker phone when Rex started explaining, through his own choked sobs, what happened.
“Nothing could have ever prepared me for what I saw.” Rex said through his tears.
“Savanna’s face was unrecognizable. There were so many tubes and wires connected to her. When Knox stepped into the room, her father stood and placed a shaky hand on his shoulder. Savanna’s mom walked out of the room and into my arms for support while her dad explained what happened.”
“Savanna is brain dead and the baby passed away too.” Rex sniffs. “Savanna’s mom breaks down in my arms when she hears her husband repeat the words the doctor told them. She just kept saying ‘no’ over and over again. They kept her alive until Knox was able to get there so that he could say goodbye.”
My hand covered my mouth; a waterfall of tears forming and falling. This is like a horror story no one should ever have to live through.
“Mom and dad died on impact.” Rex sobs. “Quick and painless, right?”
“I’m so sorry, Rex.” I cried.
Rex sniffs, “Can you guys get a ride up here? Knox and I are going to need you.”
Tanner wipes his eyes with the back of his hands, “Of course, we’ll get the first flights out.”
“Thanks, man.”
When our plane lands at LaGuardia Airport in New York we get a taxi to Mitchell Enterprises where Knox and Rex are waiting for us.
We take the elevator up to the top floor and the door is jarred open. It’s quiet and I’m not even sure anyone is here.
“Hello?” Tanner calls out.
“In here.” Rex answers.
We drop our bags by the door and walk down the hall to the only door that’s opened. Rex is sitting on a sofa that is positioned against the far wall. Knox is sitting in an executive chair staring out the window. He hasn’t even acknowledged that we’re here.
I walk over to Rex and he stands and wraps his arms around me. “I’m so sorry, Rex.” I cry. “I loved them like my own parents.”
He doesn’t respond and I can tell from his stiff posture that he’s holding back, trying to be strong. Finally letting go I sit down on the sofa and Tanner hugs Rex.
Rex looks over at Knox and shakes his head, “I’m going to go grab some lunch for all of you.. I’ll be back shortly.”