Page 21 of Sweet Adventure
But her head was already shaking, and she pulled her hand away, crossing her arms over her chest. “Since then, my father made sure I learned what to do for every possible emergency situation. When she fell in the pond, I should’ve dragged a dead tree limb out to her. She could’ve held on while I ran for help or maybe even pulled herself out.”
“Katie, it was an accident.”
“An accident that could’ve been avoided. Dad had warned us it was too early to skate on the pond.”
His hands balled into fists. “Did your parents say it was your fault?”
“Not in so many words.” Her shoulders lifted and dropped. “But after we buried her, it was in their attitudes. I’m sure that’s the reason my father made me take swimming lessons every single summer of my life. All I could do was promise I’d never be careless again.”
No wonder she was so upset about my bucket list.
“My roommate Nicole hates my parents,” Katie said. “She claims they shouldn’t have put it all on me.”
“I agree with Nicole.” He seethed inside.
“But I understand them. They were just hurting. They didn’t mean to make me feel guilty.” She took a shuddery breath. “They wanted to protect me because I was all they had left.”
She turned her glistening gaze on him, as if she needed his confirmation. He couldn’t help it—he gave it to her.
“I’m sure they meant well.”
“They love me. They really do.”
Why did it sound like she was trying to convince herself?
“How could they not love you?”
When he reached his hand up to tuck her hair behind her ear, she leaned her face into his palm. Her eyes closed, squeezing out more tears to track down her face. Her lips parted, chin trembling.
He could kiss her now, and she would respond with hunger. He felt it in her roiling emotions, saw it in her rapid breathing. Her tongue darted out to moisten her lips, inducing a groan from his throat. She wouldn’t say no to him. But would she regret it the next day?
He stood and drew her into his arms, and she clung to him in all her softness, hidden beneath a tough façade. Willing her to feel safe in his embrace, he lowered his lips to her hair, the scent of sweet strawberries filling his nose. As he placed a chaste kiss on the top of her head, he forced himself to peel her away before he lost control.
“We should get you home.” The words squeezed from his tight throat. “We’ve got an early day tomorrow.”
She pulled back, shrinking before his eyes, and he chastised himself.
Maybe I should’ve kissed her. Maybe she needs to feel loved tonight, even if she hates me tomorrow.
But her shoulders stiffened, along with her neck, and the moment was gone. With a firm swipe, the back of her hand cleared the tears from her cheeks, and she lifted her chin.
“Good idea.”
“Yes, you heard me right. I’m leaving in ten minutes to go kayaking.” Katie put her cell phone on speaker so she could touch up the shave on her legs.
“How on earth did Mr. Gherring talk you into that?” Nicole asked. “Not that I’m complaining. I think it’s great.”
“It was Gary who talked me into it,” said Katie, balancing on one foot, the other on the edge of the tub. “Supposedly, there aren’t any sharks in this river since it’s fresh water. Not that I intend to swim in it,
but it’s always possible to flip over in a kayak.”
“I love kayaking. I bet you will, too, once you give it a try,” said Nicole. “I need to meet this Gary-guy who can talk you into doing something adventurous, for a change. This is the spider-killer?”
“One and the same.” Katie rinsed her leg and switched to the other one.
“Is he hot, like Steven Gherring?”