Page 19 of A Rose in Bloom
“Elyssa, it’s okay. I mean, I understand you don’t remember. We can back up and… and it’s okay.”
He looked so earnest, she felt like a heel. Why couldn’t she remember? She couldn’t remember anything that had happened. He’d rescued her and beaten up her assailant. At some point, he’d asked her to marry him, and she must have agreed. She wracked her brain. She remembered kissing him. In fact her entire insides warmed at the memory, as if she were reliving the moment. That must be it. He must have kissed her right after he asked her to marry him.
She didn’t know what had happened but she knew herself. She was cautious and sensible. She wouldn’t have agreed to marry him if she weren’t convinced it was the right thing to do. She couldn’t remember any of it, but he didn’t have to know that.
“No, I remember now… well, sort of. The details are little fuzzy, but I remember. But Jaxon, I think we should have a long engagement. We haven’t known each other that long.”
sp; His mouth opened and closed a few times, and she saw his Adam’s apple bob up and down. His voice was scratchy when he replied. “Okay.”
Part 18: Shaken, Not Stirred
“SHE’S SLEEPING right now, but she’ll be relieved to see you. She’s pretty shaken up.” Jaxon punched the third floor elevator button repeatedly. “Thanks for coming.”
“Of course I came—I’m her brother. But tell me what happened again. I was sound asleep when you called, and I didn’t hear much after, ‘She’s in the hospital, but she’s going to be okay.’ I made the one-hour drive in about half the time. You say someone broke into her shop?” Scotty rubbed his hand through his hair though it did nothing to tame the disarray.
“Some freak broke through the glass door. She was downstairs getting stuff ready for a wedding. She either fell off the fire escape or that guy pushed her. They say she’s lucky she survived the fall, much less without any broken bones.”
“Did he… Did he hurt her? I mean… Was she assaulted?”
Jaxon swallowed a lump in his suddenly dry throat. “I don’t know. I hope not, but I didn’t ask the doctor. She doesn’t remember anything at all. I think I got there before he had time to… to do anything.”
Scotty frowned. “How did you know about it?”
“We were talking on the phone when he broke in. I heard her scream, and I called nine-one-one on the way to the shop.”
The elevator door opened on her floor, and Jaxon led the way to Elyssa’s room. Outside the door a hand gripped his shoulder. He turned to face Scotty’s scrutinizing stare.
“So what’s going on between you and my sister? If my calculations are correct, it was pretty late to be chatting on the phone together.”
“Nothing! I mean… We’re dating… kind of… We’re friends.”
“Elyssa doesn’t do casual dating. In fact, she hasn’t had a date since high school. And the last time I talked to her about you, she didn’t describe you as a friend.”
“It’s kind of complicated. I like your sister, okay?”
“Does she like you?”
“I’m not quite sure. Right now, I think she would say yes, but her opinion seems subject to change.”
Scotty pointed at the door with his chin. “Just remember that I love my little sister. I won’t feel very gracious if I find out you hurt her.”
“Hey, I beat up the guy that broke into her apartment. We’re on the same side. Okay?”
“We’ll see.” Scotty crossed his arms.
Elyssa blinked her scratchy eyes open, focusing on a pair of green eyes framed by hair sticking out every which direction. “Scotty. You didn’t have to come.” Unbidden tears rushed to her eyes.
He reached out to brush away a teardrop with a gentle finger. “I’ll always be here for you, Sis. How do you feel?”
“Like I got hit by an eighteen-wheeler. But I’ll live.”
He shook his head. “Now will you listen to reason and give up on this crazy plan? Come back home and quit trying to do everything by yourself. You know if you weren’t so stubborn and independent you’d have plenty of help. I told you it was dangerous to live alone in the city.”
“I don’t want to talk about it right now. I still believe I’ve got a chance to make a name for myself. The wedding I’m doing… Oh no! The wedding! It’s tomorrow! I mean it’s today!”