Page 23 of A Rose in Bloom
Elyssa had pulled it off. She’d flipped the entire engagement story around and saved face by ‘breaking-up’ with Jaxon. She felt gratified by his confused expression—he hadn’t seen it coming. She might never discover the intention behind his subterfuge, but it probably had something to do with gaining her trust so he could buy her building.
She’d really turned the tables on him when she suggested getting married in two weeks. He couldn’t hide the terror in his expression. Of course, now he was probably celebrating after his narrow escape.
“The flowers were beautiful.” Elyssa jumped at the velvety baritone voice behind her, and turned to face a pair of penetrating brown eyes on a chiseled face. “Almost as beautiful as the florist.” His lips parted in a devastating smile, revealing even white teeth.
“Oh, uhmm… thank you.” She turned her back to the tall man with the commanding presence, concentrating on the task at hand—packing up her vases.
“I don’t think we’ve been officially introduced. I’m Baron Carrington, the bride’s brother.”
“Nice to meet you Mr. Carrington.” She continued to work deliberately ignoring him.
“Baron. Call me Baron.” He lifted a lock of her hair in his fingers. “You have the most beautiful hair. So soft. So silky.”
“Thank you.” Her face grew warm, and she struggled to hide her shaking hands. “If you’ll excuse me, Mr. Carrington—”
“Baron… If you’ll excuse me, Baron, it’s been a very long day, and I have a lot of work to do.”
He reached around her, covering her hand with his own and pressing it to the table while he spoke in her ear. “I thought perhaps we could have a little nightcap after you’re done here. I’d like to get to know you better. And I can make it worth your while—recommend you to all my friends.”
“Take your hands off her!” Jaxon’s voice interrupted, in an aggravated tone.
He gripped Baron’s shoulder, thrusting him away. Baron’s upper lip twitched as his eyes flashed in anger. “McCall! What do you want?”
“Keep your hands off my fiancée!”
Part 21: A Cup of Coffee
JAXON HELD Carrington’s gaze without flinching, until he felt hands pushing on his chest, sho
ving him back.
“I’m not your fiancée,” said Elyssa. If it were possible to rip him into shreds with her eyes, this look would have done it.
“Yes, you are. I didn’t accept.”
“You didn’t accept what?”
“You asked to break up, and I didn’t accept.”
“I didn’t ask to break up—I told you I was breaking up.”
“McCall, it sounds like you’re out of the game. Again.” Baron laughed. “Don’t be a sore loser. You ought to be used to it by now.”
“You stay out of this!” Elyssa threw the same cutting stare Carrington’s direction, and he took a step back.
“Elyssa, please listen to me. You don’t want anything to do with this guy.”
“So that’s what this is all about, huh? Well guess what? You don’t have any say in who I date. If I want to go out with Baron, I’ll do it, with or without your permission.”
“That’s right, she doesn’t need your permission to date me.” Baron slid his arm around her shoulder.
“Stop touching me!” Elyssa flung his arm away like a dirty rag. “I didn’t say I wanted to go out with you. I just said I don’t need Jaxon’s permission.”
“Yeah, Carrington.” Jaxon moved until his face was inches away, squeezing his words between gritted teeth. “Stop. Touching. Her.”
“I believe she made it clear, she doesn’t want your interference.”