Page 35 of A Rose in Bloom
“My age? I’m only fifty-five—it’s not like I have one foot in the grave. But the truth is I ran two half-marathons last year. So I figure two halves make a whole.” Her laughter rang over the phone. “But I'm telling you the best thing for sore muscles is to work the tenderness out.”
“I don’t know, Aunt Lauren…”
“You can do it. Just keep your eyes on the prize—that Jaxon boy.”
“He’s not a boy, Aunt Lauren. He’s a man.”
“And you can tell that from just one kiss, huh?”
“That’s not what I meant.” Thank God she can’t see how red my face is right now. “I’m saying I think he may be thirty years old, or close to it.”
“Fine then—keep your eyes on that man.”
Jaxon moved beside Nate to peer over the guardrail, scouring the workout floor below. “Where is she? I don’t see her.”
“That’s a good thing, right? You said you didn’t want to see her.”
“Shut up! Where is she?” Jaxon had the urge to wipe the smirk off Nate’s face.
“She’s not here. I was just testing a theory.”
“What theory?” Jaxon’s voice came out as a growl.
“My theory that you’re in love with Elyssa Rose… And it turns out I’m right. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.” Nate clapped him on the shoulder. “It’s about time, buddy. So what’s the holdup?”
“That’s ridiculous. I’m not in love with her. I haven’t even known her that long. And anyway, she hates me.”
Nate's eyebrows rose to the top of his forehead. “Are you kidding me? Every girl who comes in this gym makes a play for you. I’ve never seen a woman who didn’t fall all over you.”
“I could say the same for you.”
“Ha! True, but there’s a big difference. You always turn them down—every single one. So I guess it’s only fair you’re finding out how it feels to be rejected.”
“There’s nothing to reject. I barely know the girl. We’ve never even been on a date.”
“Yeah, right. That’s why you almost threw me over the rail when I mentioned asking her out.” Nate chuckled. “Come on. You can at least admit you like her, even if you won’t use the other L word.”
The front door opened, and a pair of shapely legs entered, topped with a perfectly proportioned body and a pert face with huge green eyes and rosy lips, framed by a blond ponytail. Elyssa’s head swiveled from side to side as she searched the gym before looking to the loft where Jaxon stood in stunned silence. Her lips parted as her eyes locked with his. Jaxon’s heart flipped over inside his chest.
“Okay… I like her.”
Elyssa almost forgot to breathe. It’d only been five days since she last saw him, but she’d forgotten how good-looking he was. He’d obviously skipped shaving this morning, and the stubble on his face only accentuated his strong masculine jaw. She was drawn into his piercing blue eyes, unable to tear her gaze away. She swallowed hard.
She’d hoped to salvage a tiny bit of pride. Her plan was to entice him into coming to flirt with her, as he had in the past, while she pretended cool indifference. Then, when he made a teasing offer to do something together, she would surprise him by accepting. But here she stood gawking at him the moment she stepped inside the gym. So much for cool indifference. He turned his back to her and disappeared into his office. So much for enticing him to flirt. Now what?
“Elyssa… I’m glad you came back today.” Sadie’s sweet, perky voice invaded her consciousness as it had invaded her dreams during the night. More like nightmares, really. Urging her, ‘Just ten more! Come on! You can do it!’ Over and over. All night long. Until she woke in a cold sweat.
“Hi Satan… I mean, Sadie. Yeah, I’m back. But I have to warn you, I’m really stiff and sore. I think I need to take it really slow today.”
“Awww, I’m sorry you’re sore. Why don’t we start out with a slow jog on the treadmill? That’ll get you loosened up. And then there’s a spin class starting in thirty minutes.”
“I’m willing to try the treadmill at a slow walk.”
Sadie giggled as she punched buttons on the machine’s flashing controls. “Okay. You can start at a walk. Just use this up arrow when you want to speed up.”