Page 38 of A Rose in Bloom
Jaxon stared unseeing at the television screen in the corner, but all he could hear was his blood, pounding with the rapid beat of his heart inside his ears.
“Hello, Jaxon. I’m Dr. Evans, Elyssa’s aunt.” A tall woman entered the room, smiling as she donned a pair of latex gloves.
Doesn’t she have the same sadistic eyes as Nurse Ratched in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest?
“Don’t worry," she continued in a soothing tone. "We’ll get this tooth bonded in a jiffy, and you won’t even be able to tell it was broken.”
Jaxon’s life passed before his eyes.
Part 30: Rose’s Evil Eye
“RIGHT,” ELYSSA RESPONDED thoughtlessly to Sadie’s incessant chatter as she sat in her aunt’s waiting room, thumbing through a magazine. If only Sadie hadn’t insisted on driving, she and Jaxon would’ve had almost an hour alone together. By now she would know how he really felt about her.
The car ride had been like torture. She rode in the front with Sadie, while Jaxon occupied the back seat. Unlike Sadie, who never paused in her narrative, he was quiet the entire way. Elyssa could feel his gaze burning into the back of her neck, but she and Jaxon hadn’t had a single opportunity to talk.
“Right?” Sadie’s eyes rounded like saucers. “You agree with her? You don’t think it’s worth the effort?”
“Uhmm…” I have no idea what Sadie was talking about. “No, I meant, to say right, she’s totally wrong. It’s very worthwhile.” Whatever it is.
“Awesome!” Sadie wriggled with excitement, pulling out her cell phone and tapping like a madwoman. “I’ll sign you up for the marathon right now. You can be on my team. It’s such a great cause.” She lifted the phone to her ear. “Hello? Edward? It’s Sadie. I’ve got another person for our marathon team…”
“Marathon? I don’t—”
“Elyssa? Elyssa Rose?” A perky voice interrupted her belated objection.
“Oh my gosh! Holli Davila! I haven’t seen you since high school graduation.” Elyssa leapt from the chair into her friend’s arms. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m getting my teeth cleaned.” She chuckled. “Just kidding, I know what you meant. I teach English at the high school.” Holli stepped back, her deep brown eyes sparkling as she tossed a lock of thick, curly brunette hair over her shoulder.
“Are you kidding me? You came back here to teach? I thought you were getting married and moving to California.”
Holli’s face clouded and her shoulders drooped. “My fiancé was killed in a car accident.”
Elyssa wanted to kick herself. She hugged her friend again as tears sprang to her eyes. “I’m so sorry, Holli.”
“No, it’s okay. It’s been almost a year since it happened.” Holli blinked rapidly, as a forced smile formed on her face.
“I can’t believe I didn’t hear about it before now. How are you holding up? I mean, you look great, as beautiful as ever.”
“To be honest, it’s really hard, but it gets a little better every day. I have learned something, though.”
“What’s that?”
“Don’t be afraid to love someone.” Holli caught her gaze and held it. “If I hadn’t been so nervous about getting involved in a relationship, Sean and I probably would’ve already been married.”
“Oh.” Elyssa felt something churning in her gut.
“Seriously, Elyssa. You and I were closed friends in high school, and I know you have trust issues. You put off every guy who ever asked you out. I hope you’re not still doing that. Promise me you won’t.”
“No, I won’t. I promise.” I hope.
“Just breathe deeply through your nose. That’s it. Breathe slowly. Are you starting to feel the effect of the laughing gas now? Let me know if you feel like you’re getting too much nitrous oxide, and I’ll turn it down.”
Jaxon heard Dr. Evans’ voice coming out of a long tunnel as he floated just above the dental chair. All of the tension faded from his body, and his fingertips tingled.
“No, no, no. Don’t turn it down. I like it. It’s just right.