Page 42 of A Rose in Bloom
“Let’s change the subject.” She spoke over his protests. “Here’s the reason I called. I want to go see the new movie, Leaving Lisa, tomorrow afternoon, and I don’t want to go by myself. Will you come up and see it with me? You’re not working Saturday, are you?”
“Please, no. Isn’t that a chick flick? Couldn’t I just drive little slivers of wood under my fingernails, instead? You know I hate that kind of movie. Don’t you have a girlfriend you could go with? Or I know what you could do… ask Jaxon. He’ll go with you for sure.”
“Are you kidding me? Jaxon would never go to a chick flick. He’s all about macho and muscles.”
“He helped you with your flowers for that wedding, didn’t he?”
“It doesn’t matter; I don’t want to go anywhere with him. Come on. I’ll make your favorite—chicken and dumplings.”
“Ughhhh! You’re not fighting fair.”
“And peach cobbler.”
“Chocolate chip cookies?”
“Sure—if that’s what it takes.”
“I want chocolate chip cookies with double chocolate chips, and I want them before we go to the movie.”
Having made good her promise to bake cookies, Elyssa closed up A Rose in Bloom for the day and waited for her brother to arrive. She couldn’t help glancing out the side window toward Jaxon’s gym. He hadn’t called or texted all day. She’d been prepared to dash upstairs if he came across the street, but he’d never appeared. He must’ve finally given up. Good. I’ll never have to see him again. I don’t need him. I don’t need any guy.
“Oh, good. I’m glad you came a little early. We can walk to the theatre from here, since the weather’s nice. This movie’s going to be sooooo good—I can’t wait.” Elyssa greeted her brother at the door of the shop.
“I want my cookies first.” Scotty edged past her, making a beeline for the plastic-wrap-covered plate on the checkout counter. “These look great, Sis.” He slipped one out, forcing the entire cookie into his wide-open mouth.
“Scotty. Can’t you wait until we get back from the movie?” Elyssa stood in the open doorway, glancing nervously over her shoulder. She didn’t want Jaxon to catch her when she didn’t have an escape route.
“I’m hungry now. Have you already made the chicken and dumplings? Maybe I could grab a quick bowl.”
“No, you’ll just have to wait. Leave those on the counter. We need to go.”
“I’ll just put these on my front seat, so I’ll have them for sure.” He carried the plate in both hands with a rather lustful expression trained on the cookies.
“Put those back. You can eat some more after dinner.”
“But… but what if something happens, and I don’t come back for dinner?”
“What would make you miss dinner?”
“Like… uhmm… maybe if the theatre catches on fire and I get hurt rescuing people and I have to go to the hospital.”
Elyssa pointed her finger over his shoulder. “Put them back. I’ll bring the cookies to you at the hospital.”
She flashed her evil-eye at him, and he turned like a soldier, marching back to replace the plate. She saw him snatch cookies from the plate, stuffing them in his coat pockets and his mouth.
“Seriously, Scotty. You can be such a pig sometimes. You’re going to get chocolate all over the inside of your pockets.”
“Ick wuh hih.” A few crumbs tumbled out with his words. He continued to devour the cookies as they walked.
“It’s worth it? Didn’t you learn not to speak with your mouth full?”
“Stah ashin qushun wy I ee-een.” He grinned, winking at her the way he always did when he was in a particularly good mood.
“I’m glad you don’t mind going to the movie with me. It really means a lot to me, knowing you’re willing to sacrifice your time. And I’ve been so down lately, I really need the pick-me-up.”