Page 52 of A Rose in Bloom
Jaxon took a breath… more of a gasp really… and his narrowing vision cleared. Elyssa floated down the aisle. Only her white-knuckled grip on Scotty’s arm betrayed her nerves. That and the slightest tremble of her lower lip, which transformed into a smile as her gaze met Jaxon’s.
When she took his hand and looked up with trusting eyes, his chest swelled. Promising to love her until they parted by death was the easiest pledge he would ever make. It’s amazing—I don’t feel broken any more. She’s healed me inside just by loving me. I may not deserve her, but I’m going to spend the rest of my life trying to.
When his good friend, Lisa, stood to sing, he felt his first pang of fear. He’d never actually heard her sing before. What if she was awful? What if she ruined the ceremony? He wouldn’t care, but he knew the wedding was really important to Elyssa. Yet from Lisa’s first note he knew his anxiety was unfounded. Her voice was clear and enchanting. The final verse brought a lump to his throat as he thought of their lives together.
I love the way you love me
When you are thinking of me
I’ll never love another one but you
Until the sun is setting
I’ll love without regretting
And you will see
Our love will be
The truest form of true
Even though Elyssa had been planning her wedding since she was a little girl, she was relieved when the ceremony was over.
“You made me pretty nervous when you didn’t show up for the brunch or answer your cell phone. I thought you’d skipped town.” Aunt Lauren smiled as she gave Elyssa a surprisingly strong hug. “But everything turned out beautifully, and you didn’t even look nervous up there.”
“Now I know you’re lying, because my knees were shaking and my teeth were chattering and I kept forgetting when it was my turn to say something.”
“Oh that… I thought you were just really cold.” Aunt Lauren winked.
“It’s not too good for my ego that you were so scared to marry me,” Jaxon mocked. “Honestly, I was holding tight to your hands for fear you’d bolt down the aisle.”
“Like you could stop me if I really decided to run.” Elyssa squeezed his hand, to assure him she was teasing.
“True. Sadie’s been working you pretty hard the past six months. You’re probably faster than me in a sprint, but I think I’d catch you before the end of the first mile.”
“Yes, Satan’s been a real slave-driver. I dreaded those workouts three days a week.”
“Satan, huh?” Aunt Lauren’s brows popped up. “Then why do you keep working out with her?”
“Well, first of all, I’m not a quitter. And second, I’m kind of afraid of her.”
Aunt Lauren chuckled as she watched Sadie conversing with Scotty, emphasizing her points with wild hand gestures. “Do you think Scotty will move to the city now? Or will he stay out in Ketchum?”
“I don’t know. He’s still working the land, and I think he always believed I’d come back home someday. Maybe he’ll reconsider since I’m married now.”
“I think he needs a little persuading, and I know just what to say.”
As Elyssa watched her aunt moving toward Scotty, she almost felt sorry for him. Their aunt could talk them into almost anything if she set her mind to it. Scotty didn’t stand a chance. On the other hand, moving to the city could be the best thing for him.
“Don’t look now, but Baron Carrington is coming this way.” Jaxon’s upper lip twitched.
“Weren’t you the one who invited him to the wedding?
“I didn’t actually invite him. He’s dating Lisa now, and she brought him.”
“But I thought you and he were friends now. Isn’t he a gym member? And didn’t you say he cut off his relationship with his parents?”