Page 15 of Werebeasties
More like a soda can. Wick was such an understatement. Sam repressed her urge to giggle. She felt so naughty.
“You’ve met Calvin.” Adam’s voice startled her from behind. He seemed to have finally broken the conversation with the grand dame of busybodies. He looked relieved.
“Yes. She’s much prettier in person.”
Adam tapped the back of Calvin’s seat. “I believe this is my reserved seat.”
Calvin shot him a dirty look. “You want me to move? In your dreams. I like this seat.”
Adam lowered his head, whispering, “Come on. Lily Huntington is watching. I told her Sam is my date.”
“Fine. But it comes at a price.” Calvin got up from his chair and took a seat directly across the table from her.
Adam occupied the vacated seat. He pushed the chair closer to her, acting as if she was his property. Lily Huntington stepped up to the podium and started her speech. Everybody clapped. Throngs of waiters dispersed the appetiser on the guests’ tables. It was minestrone soup. Sam waited until everybody had taken a spoon and dipped into the bowl before she tasted it. It was delicious. The best minestrone she’d ever had.
Calvin spooned the soup into his mouth and regarded it with delight. “Delicious.” He leant forwards and spoke in a low voice that only the three of them could hear. “What colour panties are you wearing, Sam? Do they match your dress?”
She almost choked on her soup.
David also watched her with interest.
“Why do you want to know?”
“Because I’m a curious cat.”
Adam snorted.
“They are…black,” Sam said.
“Hmm. Just what I thought.” Calvin scanned the surroundings. “Give them to me.”
Calvin’s eyes burned brighter. “Slide your panties off and give them to me.”
“Are you crazy?” Sam turned to Adam for reinforcement.
Adam only shrugged. “You better give them to him or he’ll go under the table and steal them from you.”
“I thought you’re supposed to be my date?”
“True. But I did tell you that I like you without panties and all.”
Damn. Adam had said that when they’d first met.
This was definitely weird. If not straight-out kinky. For her anyway. Her bosses seemed to enjoy this kind of exploit. Sam surreptitiously glanced around. Everybody was consumed with Lily Huntington’s drawling speech. Sam sat straighter and tugged the tablecloth to cover her lap. She slid her hand under her gown and hooked a finger on her panties. Slowly, she pulled them down. It was a hard feat without looking conspicuous. Five minutes into it, she managed to get them down to her ankles.
Pretending that she’d dropped a fork, she leant down and crumpled them in her hand. “Here.”
Calvin extended his arm to the middle of the table. She shoved the panties into his palm. To her horror, Calvin didn’t make any attempt at being discreet. He examined them at his leisure and even took a long inhalation.
Adam rolled his eyes. “Great. If anybody catches you doing that, you’ll shatter the illusion she’s my girl.”
The corner of Calvin’s lips curved upward. “She’s not only your girl. She’s ours.”
David put his elbow on the table and whispered, “Are you wet?”
Sam cringed. What was he up to now?