Page 19 of Werebeasties
David’s face was a mask of blankness. “I’m David Strauss, Ms Knight’s employer. Why don’t we go inside and discuss this matter?” He stepped aside to let Jared in.
Sam objected. “Mr Strauss, you don’t…”
“About damn time.” Jared shuffled towards the door. “I want my fucking money.”
Adam and Calvin had come to see the commotion. Calvin introduced himself. “I’m Calvin Neutzel, Mr Strauss’ attorney. The drawing room is this way…”
This matter had gone out of control. “Mr Strauss,” Sam protested.
Adam snatched her arm and whispered, “Let David and Calvin handle this. Come on.”
David and Calvin ushered Jared into another room. Sam wanted to drag Jared to the door and kick his lazy, sorry ass to the kerb. She stopped. Adam shot her a warning look. Her desire to rebel evaporated. She obeyed without a peep. Adam placed his hand on her arm firmly as he escorted her to her room. Adam closed the door behind him quietly.
“That’s Jared, isn’t it? Your husband?”
“Ex-husband,” Sam corrected hotly. Anger and embarrassment bubbled in her head.
“Your ex. I’m sorry. How did he find you here? Did you tell him where you were?”
“I haven’t told a soul that I took a job here. I don’t know how on Earth Jared found me here. I swear to God.”
“Hey, relax. I wasn’t mad.” Adam tugged her elbow and led her to a nearby chair. “I just want to find out what exactly is going on.”
Sam took a breath between her clenched her teeth. “He tracked me down here because h
e wants his money.”
“His money?”
“The divorce settlement. I owe him seventy-five thousand. He wants me to sell the house. I couldn’t. That’s my parents’ house—well, technically it’s mine. My parents gave it to me when they moved to Florida, but the house was theirs and I…”
“Samantha,” Adam called gently. The grim line on his lips softened. “Jared came here just for the money?”
Adam let out a snort, as if this whole thing wasn’t a big deal to him. “David and Calvin will take care of it. Don’t worry.”
“But, Adam, it isn’t fair!”
“You don’t want to pay him?”
“No. It’s not that. I haven’t earned the money. I’ve only been here for less than a week…”
“Sam.” Adam stooped and kissed her on the forehead. “Don’t worry about it.”
“How can I not?” she persisted. “I don’t want to be indebted and be accused of breaching my contract.”
“Nobody will penalise you for breaching the contract.” Something in Adam’s eyes changed all of a sudden. “Is that what you think of yourself as, Sam? Nothing but our plaything?”
Sam paused. “Isn’t that why I’m here?”
Adam straightened his posture. He towered above her. He looked perturbed, as if she had said something that had insulted him. Sam was bewildered.
“I might have said something that gave you that impression, but I don’t think of you as a whore, Sam. Deep in my heart, I never did.”
The words came so sharp, as if from the tip of a knife.
“We thought after what we had shared, we could be”—Adam averted his gaze, his hand making a vague gesture—“so much more.”