Page 24 of Werebeasties
And the reason Adam had hired her in the first place…
She hadn’t known she was adopted. That she was the last of the bloodline of Kurt Jacoby, a man who’d existed more than a century ago, who had wronged Adam, David and Calvin and forced them to make a pact with the devil, turning them into what they were. Her biological mother was a school teacher who’d had an affair with a travelling salesman, who’d happened to be Jacoby’s descendant. They had both died years ago. Her biological mother had remarried and died in childbirth. In some way, that explained why she had never seen her baby pictures. The earliest family photo she’d seen of herself and her parents was when she was on a tricycle with her mother in tow. She’d been two years old.
Now, the three men had found her to atone for sins of the past. She belonged to them. As a warden of their beasts. To be protected and cherished.
Everything started to make sense.
A sliver of a thrill crept at the base of her spine. She didn’t need to leave them when her contract was over. She would see them every day, her every waking moment. The three of them. Her men. Hers.
Sam hauled herself up to sit and slide down from the bed. Still. The revelation didn’t solve her problems with Jared. If anything, it complicated it. If she went to the men and told them about the blackmail, she’d bet they would help her in a heartbeat. Would that make their opinion of her lessen? She still had her pride. She wanted them to think of her as more than a pest. They had doled out the money Jared demanded without question and put up with her ex’s crap.
What would they think about her if they knew she had a sex tape?
The damned thing would embarrass them if it ever leaked onto the internet…
Why did this kind of shit keep happening to her? When things were looking up, Jared had always ruined it for her. Always…
She had to do something. Go on with her original plan. Recover the tape.
Sam looked at her wristwatch. It was almost dinner time. She would go on with the plan after dinner. This time, she couldn’t borrow Adam’s car to go to town. That would be too obvious. The men might think she wanted to run away after the revelation. Adam had repeatedly asked her to stay and accept what they were. She wasn’t afraid of them and she didn’t want to split. She just wanted to take care of some unfinished business.
She planned her break-in…
* * * *
Samantha was missing.
Adam had gone to her bedroom to check if she was okay and found the room was empty. She’d looked a bit distraught during dinner. She was quiet and tense. Maybe because they had told her the secret. She obviously couldn’t accept them for what they were and so had run. He shouldn’t have been surprised with her reaction. But it still hurt. He thought they had a connection. Because of her, his beast was under control.
Adam strode to the living room to find David and Calvin. They were watching TV.
David turned to him as soon as Adam walked past the door.
“She’s gone.”
Calvin frowned. “Samantha?”
“Yeah. She’s gone. Her room was empty and she’s nowhere to be found.”
David got off from the sofa. “Did she take her clothes too?”
“No. Her clothes and bags are still in her room.”
“Her purse?”
“She took her purse with her.”
“Maybe she just wanted to take a walk?” Calvin offered.
“Why didn’t she tell us? Sam always asks, even if it’s only to get a glass of water from the fridge.”
“Shit.” David massaged his temple. “You don’t think she freaked out, do you?”
Adam crossed his arms in front of his chest. “That’s what I’m afraid of…”
“She can’t go.” Calvin jumped from his seat. “She’s ours. We need to track her.”