Page 30 of Corporate Plaything
“That again. I’ve never heard of Netherworld.”
“Of course you haven’t. But we’ll take you there soon. You’ll love it.”
“To Netherworld? Is that near Netherland or something?”
Ralph only smiled.
“Germany? Belgium?”
“You’ll know when you get there.”
Anna was still curious. “How about Justin? His eyes are violet.”
“Justin is a pasraec.”
“Um. Translation?”
“He was born to rule.”
“Rule? Okay. And Matt?”
“Matt is a suleeh. The punisher. He was born to keep law and order.”
Anna wanted to scratch her head again. “No offence, but I’ve never heard something this strange.”
“You’re too cute, Anna. By the way, I’m starving. Want to have lunch now?”
“Yes. Sure.”
The estate staff had packed a picnic lunch in a wicker basket. Ralph chose a shady spot under a tree and spread out the blanket. The wind almost blew the afghan away, but Anna quickly weighed it down with empty conchs she found nearby. She helped Ralph unpack their lunch. The cook had made them delicious-looking sandwiches, salad with island dressing, freshly cut fruits and some desserts. Anna opened the plastic container and let out a gasp when she saw gorgeously decorated cupcakes inside.
“Maya makes killer desserts,” Raphael explained. He plucked a sugared violet topper and popped it into his mouth. “Yummy. Do you know she used to be a pastry chef in Luxor?”
“That hotel in Vegas?”
“Yup. That one.”
“You must’ve paid her an arm and a leg.”
“Not much more than what she made in Vegas. Maya loves it here. It’s like all-year round vacation, she said.”
Anna could see that. If she hadn’t been forced to play spy by the syndicate, she’d love to work here, too. She’d been a city girl all her life. Her father never took her on a vacation, nor could he really afford one. When she grew up, she’d found out why their family had a hard time getting by.
Her mom had racked up an unbelievable debt before she ran off with her lover, leaving her father to shoulder the financial burden. Her father had never complained. He kept everything to himself and continued to provide their little family the best as he could. He’d never been interested in getting remarried. He’d dedicated his life only to her.
Thinking about her father made her restless. When she called him this morning, he’d told her the boss was impatient with her slow progress. Her father had repeatedly asked her to bail out and forget this whole thing. He wanted her to let him face the consequences of the mistake he’d made. Anna simply couldn’t do that. Her father would be incarcerated for the rest of his life. With his declining health, the sentence would rush him into an early grave.
“Hello? Earth to Anna?” Ralph snapped his fingers.
She startled. “I’m sorry.”
“You’re spacing out again. Something on your mind?”
“Nothing, sir.” Anna was flustered. “I’m just thinking about the calories in these cupcakes.”
Ralph gave her a look as if he knew she was fibbing. “Don’t lie me to me, Anna. If you tell me what’s wrong, I might be able to help you.”