Page 5 of Kidnapped and Claimed
I didn’t answer.
“We are not a savage pack as others may say about us. We cherish our women and protect them to our last blood. You will find our women well-taken care off. “
Involuntarily, my gaze strayed to my warriors. The men who would swear to protect me, defend me with their last breath. They would also cherish me, warming my body and soul. My fear and thoughts of the perversion of being shared ceased a little.
“You do not know what you will get yourself into if you harbor me. My family hired the Jakael hunters to bring me back home. My presence here will bring bad luck to your people, my lord.”
Veredi laughed. “Aesterneum is a haven. Our demesne is protected by layers of wards and ancient magic. You shouldn’t worry. Well, will you accept Ronen and Callarn’s claim?”
“What if I do not accept this claim, will you force me?”
Veredi sighed. “We would never force a woman to become our dhamarani . Although, it has never occurred in our history that a free woman has refused the companionship of our unmated warriors. Many women say our charm is irresistible.”
Raucous laughter broke again.
“What if I do not wish to take…“
“While we will not force you, I’ll warrant that Ronen and Callarn would go to great extents to make you change your mind. You will stay with us, however, until I decide this matter later.”
“What if I still do not wish to take a mate?” I peppered him. “Will you let me free?”
Veredi’s eyes narrowed, slight agitation flashed in his face. “Eventually…yes. We will escort you out from our border, and you are on your own from there. Wouldn’t it be better to have Ronen and Callarn as your protectors instead of you wandering alone into the perils of the wilderness?”
“You cannot share love, sire. A woman should only serve one man in a lifetime.”
“You’ll be surprise what you are capable of loving.” Veredi’s voice turned warm. His annoyance and agitation vaporized. He turned to Ronen and Callarn, “Lads, what do you have to offer as dowry if she changes her mind and decides to accept your claim?”
Both Ronen and Callarn hurriedly rummaged in their pockets, and each one of them produced a small velvet pouch, tipped the contents out on the table. Gold, silver, and precious gems spilled on the rough wooden surface, gleaming inside the hut, sparkling an eerie glow on everyone’s face.
“My lads labored hard for their dowry, precious one,” said Veredi. “You might find what they have to offer is not as much as the way you are accustomed, but they offer you their hearts and souls for your contentment, and this cannot be measured with gold or any precious gems. Should you reconsider your decision…“ He gestured his hand to cast his spell. Seconds later, the dowries leapt back into the pouches and floated in the air above the table. “When you decide to accept their claim, come to me and take these precious gifts, and I shall bless your union.”
I cast him an uncertain look.
Veredi continued, “You will be given your own place, and you will live according to our custom. Since a claim has been bestowed upon you, you are not to be touched by men other than your claimers, Ronen and Callarn. They will show you your new lodgings.”
The decision had been made, whether I liked it or not. I nodded. “My lord…”
p; “At least give me something decent to wear. I am cold.”
Veredi spoke to Ronen and Callarn. “Here, tend to her needs, lads. Take care of her well so she changes her mind about your claim.”
Chapter Three
Was it morning already?
I heard the rooster crowing from afar and saw the faint sunlight slowly creeping through the cracks of the window. I stretched underneath the thin woven blanket, yawning. I didn’t feel like getting up yet after the whole ordeal. I fancied being lazy for a few more minutes.
But I couldn’t go back to sleep. I opened my eyes wide. My small hut was scarcely furnished. It had the simple wooden bed I had slept in with a mattress stuffed with dried sweet grass. A small table with four chairs. And a rough-hewn tall wooden cabinet placed under the window that contained a few blankets and garments for me to wear.
I was dismayed when Ronen gave me my new wardrobe. It was scandalous! Khimerian women only wore thin cloth to cover their breasts and hips. No tunic, no robes, no gowns nor undergarments. Callarn explained that Khimerian males disliked their women being overdressed. Besides, the weather in Aesterneum had been enchanted to mimic summer. Aesterneum in granekh , the Khimerian native tongue, meant summer ever after .
At first, I quite dreaded the prospect of being scantily clad all the time. Then I decided it was much better than being naked. After showing me my new place, Ronen and Callarn gave me a quick peck on the lips and bade me a good night’s rest. I was half-expecting they would seduce me again. They didn’t. Actually, I was quite disappointed from it and I felt terrible afterward. Not even a day of living with the Khimerians and I already had wanton urges. Callarn left me with a plate of dried fruits as my dinner and a flask of water. I ate in solitude, observing what happened outside through the open window.
Last night, something went on in the village center. Music and laughter through the night made it hard to fall asleep. And also the sound of women screaming. At first, I thought somebody was in terrible pain, but after a few minutes, I realized the screams were of pleasure. Goddess, those women didn’t even bother to keep their voices low.