Page 30 of Tiger Speed Dating
“Fitting, isn’t it?” Abby shot him a knowing smile. None of her family knew, but Michael figured it would only be a matter of time. “And it’s all thanks to you, Michael. Without you, I never could have done this.”
“The next book will be just as successful,” Michael encouraged her, knowing that their love for one another had brought out the best in them both. Abby was flourishing because of him, and he was better than ever because of her.
They were each other’s strength.
“And the next one!” Abby exclaimed, her eyes for him and only him. “Because I’m never going to let you go.”
* * *
“Has Michael ever had a Collins’ lasagna before?” Abby’s mother asked. They worked side by side in the kitchen, lining the bottom of a disposable pan with lasagna noodles. The sauce was simmering on the stove, and the assortments of cheeses were prepped and ready to go.
The two of them had spent all day cooking while Michael, Abby’s father, and Jake had been out shoveling and taking care of business around the house.
“No. I’ve been cooking for him, but nothing so involved.” Abby laughed. “Besides, you’re the one who really makes it special. When I make it on my own it’s okay, but it’s not really like home.”
“It’s a mother’s touch.” Her mother winked. “Just like mother’s intuition. I’m sure it won’t be long before you know exactly what I’m talking about. I see the way you two look at each other.”
Embarrassed, Abby moved to take the pot from the stove and lifted the lid. Steam wafted up, and she doled the sauce onto the bed of noodles to avoid addressing the statement.
“Well,” Abby said at last. Her heart was racing. “It’s funny you should mention that, because—”
“Hey, smells great in here,” Jake said as he walked in through the door. Abby clammed up instantly. “Lasagna! Killer.”
“You boys done outside?” Abby’s mother asked. “I’m worried about you getting too cold. You should rest up inside with some hot chocolate for a while.”
“Yeah, we’re done,” Jake said. Michael and Abby’s father entered the kitchen behind him, and the three of them approached the counter where the women were working. “We had a great talk with Michael, and he needed to come inside and have a talk with you.”
“Hmm?” Abby’s mother turned around, but Abby was too busy spooning sauce to pay attention. How was she supposed to tell all of them? Her heart was racing imaging it.
“I need to speak with Abby,” Michael replied. The sound of his voice was deep and handsome, and Abby stopped what she was doing as it crashed into her. Hand trembling, she set the pot down and turned around.
Michael stood before her, flanked by Abby’s father and Jake.
“Abby,” he said heavily. “I know that we haven’t been together long, but in the short while we’ve known each other, I’ve changed. I’ve become a better man because of you.”
The constant thud of Abby’s heart wasn’t because of her secret anymore. She’d written this scene enough times to know what was happening. Tears clouded her eyes, and she lifted a hand to cover her mouth.
“I’m in love with you, and I’ve been in love with you since day one. Nothing is ever going to change that.”
Michael sank to his knee, and from his back pocket he produced a ring box. Abby choked back a sob.
“Will you marry me?”
“Yes,” Abby cried. Jake cheered and her father beamed. At her side, her mother sniffled.
Michael opened the ring box to reveal the diamond ring inside. One large, princess-cut gem sat on display on a golden band, sandwiched between two smaller diamonds. It was simple, but it was gorgeous.
It was everything Abby had ever dreamed of.
Michael slipped the ring onto her finger, and Jake cheered again.
“I like this guy,” Jake said, patting Michael on the back. “Glad I get to call him my brother now.”
Trembling all over, Abby lifted her gaze from Michael and looked at her family. All of them were smiling, delighted for her new love.
“And soon you’re going to have another new member of the family to call on,” Abby announced. “Just this last week, I found out I’m pregnant. Michael and I are going to have a baby.”
Abby’s mother wailed with joy, Abby’s father clapped Michael on the back as Michael beamed, and Jake laughed.