Page 2 of Orient Fevre
When I’d gone back to my stateroom, my initial shock had turned into full-blown anger. Damn it, what had I done wrong? I wasn’t a compulsive nagger. I was quite pleasant to look upon with a simple swipe of mascara and lipstick. I fucked excellently and I was also a good cook. So, why was it I’d still lost my fiancé to some skanky blonde tramp? I couldn’t figure it out. I wasn’t a mopey kind of girl, so I thought if Mac could bang that whore on the side, I should get me some stud. Getting laid was a nicer alternative than wallowing in a gallon of ice cream and self-pity. Life was too short to be sulking about after an asshole named Mackenzie Phillip.
My hired hunk and I walked out from the Howling Owl and got into a hover cab. We went to his place, which turned out to be a penthouse in the Blue Ginger Hotel in the heart of the Ernye space station. The hotel was fancy and his room looked pricey enough that only people with deep pockets could afford it. Okay, I wasn’t worried about him being a sociopath creep who liked luring woman into his lair anymore, but I didn’t think this man needed my money if he could afford a place like this. Maybe he only wanted that quickie? He’d looked surprised when I’d told him I’d pay him for sex. When I gave him the payment, he wasn’t interested in my money. So I piled the credit chips on the coffee table of his grandly decorated living room.
“Would you like something to drink?” he asked me from the kitchen.
“If I have one more drink, you’ll be better off going solo tonight. I’m wrecked.”
He returned a few minutes later with a cup of hot coffee in his hand. “My secret brew. It’ll sober you up. I like my kitty alive and frisky for the party.”
I took the coffee and had a sip. I cringed. It was freaking awful. I’d rather skinny dip in a tar pit than finish the cup. “Yuck.”
“It’s bitter, I’m afraid, but it does the trick. My name is Le—”
“Ta-ta-ta-ta. I don’t need to know your name. Too personal. This is only a quick fuck, after all.”
“Only a quick fuck?” He shot me his signature wicked smile again. “Kitty-cat, you don’t know who you’re dealing with. You won’t find the term ‘quick fuck’ in my dictionary. The moment you walked in here, you belonged to me, pretty kitty. I decide how quick our fuck will be.”
“Oh great, another chauvinist.”
“You have a problem with that?”
“Only when I’m sober.”
“Good thing you aren’t. Now, a couple more sips.”
I don’t know what mojo he had over me, but I found myself obeying him like a good girl. The bitter brew seared my palate. Hot flushes swept over me. My nipples tingled and deep, mournful aches stirred in my pussy. “Geezes. What kind of stuff did you put in this coffee? I’m hot.”
He looked at me from top to bottom again, his smile crooked. “Yes, you’re hot, kitten. Very hot.”
“I mean, literally. I’m burning up.”
“I happen to love sweaty hot sex, too.”
“Har-de-har-har. I didn’t know you’re a comedian.”
“Enough talking, then. Now, strip.”
“You strip. I want to see if I get a run for my money.”
He tsked with impatience. He snatched the cup from my hands and flung it on the coffee table. The cup clanked, the coffee spilling. With so little effort, he seized my waist, lifted me, and turned my body upside down across the armrest of the sofa. Before I could register what was happening, he’d delivered two hard blows on my behind, spanking me as if I were a misbehaving child.
“Oww!” Red-hot pain burned my flesh. If I hadn’t been wearing leather pants, the spank would have probably left a mark on my ass. “What the fuck, man?”
“Are you going to be good?” he purred. “We’re playing this game my way, remember?”
“I don’t remember you saying anything about spanking.”
“I thought I’d mentioned that. Never mind, I like to improvise.” He ran his palms on the curve of my spine, my waist, then along the swell of my ass, feeling me as if I was his favourite new toy. His deft fingers curled on my waistband, undid my zipper, and yanked my pants down to my ankles.
“Hey!” I tried to get up.
He pushed me back with my belly down and my ass upturned to him like a delicate virgin offering.
“Nice,” he hissed.
His hands squeezed each of my ass cheeks, while he ran his thumbs along my crevice. I shivered when his fingers grazed my cotton panties, rubbing my perineum, then my sex lips. His touches sparked fire within me, causing my inner cat to get excited. My pussy clenched. I creamed. He noticed I was wet from his curious exploration.
“Damn, babe, you’re hot.” Then he ripped my panties off like nobody’s business.