Page 7 of Orient Fevre
I sobbed when the rapture was over. My body quivered. My mind was in a haze. I was drunk from too much pleasure. I thought that couldn’t be possible, but it was. My strength had left me indefinitely.
Levy kissed me, tenderly this time, as I lay semi-dazed. He pulled out of me and a gush of warm juice from our mating wet my thighs. I heard him curse about something, but I didn’t really pay attention. I felt sleepy and could barely open my eyes anymore. He groped my pussy and pulled the anal plug from my ass. I felt relieved, but missed it at the same time.
“I guess we’ll save your ass cherry for our honeymoon, darling,” he whispered.
His words came in and out like an echo. Then they faded as the sandman lulled me into dreamland.
Chapter Two
The scent of coffee woke me up.
I lazily opened up my eyes and saw him put a large cup of coffee on the nightstand. “Wakey, wakey, sleeping beauty.” His greeting came with a smile. “I wrung you out last night, didn’t I?”
Levy had showered. The smell of fresh soap lingered. He’d dressed in a fresh white shirt and black pants. His lush raven hair was gathered into a ponytail and tied with a leather thong. God, was he a total heartbreaker. If I hadn’t needed to go to work soon, I would have pulled him back to bed and rode him for a couple more rounds.
“Shit. What time is it now?” I scrambled up, sitting. “Ouch.” My body was sore. My pussy was sore. I felt sticky and dirty. My thighs were covered in dried semen and the juice of our mating. I saw some splotches of blood, too, staining the sheet.
“I’m sorry.” Levy had also noticed it. “I went overboard last night. I’m ready to take you to the doctor as soon as you freshen up.”
“For fucking too hard? Don’t be ridiculous.” I dragged myself out of the bed. “Can I use your bathroom?”
“Can you?” He cocked an eyebrow up. “After last night, you’re free to use everything in my place, Violet.”
He’d called this penthouse his place. “Don’t tell me you own this suite?”
“I own this hotel.”
I whistled. “Why did you wander to a place like the Howling Owl last night? Don’t you have a fancier bar in this hotel?”
“It’s fate. I wouldn’t have met you if I hadn’t wandered to the Howling Owl, now would I?”
“Heh. Good point. Where’s your bathroom?”
He pointed to a door next to the big armoire. “I’ll make you breakfast when you’re finished.”
“Thanks, but no thanks. I should be going soon.”
Levy paused, his eyes narrowed. “You think so?”
“I know so. Got to feed my hamster and go to work.” I scurried into the bathroom and took a quick shower after I did my womanly business. As I was drying up, I noticed the gold bangle that Levy had clasped on my arm last night. It looked so pretty, engraved with strange Draconian hieroglyphs and decorated with precious rubies. I didn’t know what his intention was, donning me with jewellery in the middle of fiery love-making, so I slipped off the bangle and put it on the vanity. If this was a gift, I couldn’t take it. It looked too expensive. I went out of the bathroom, looking for my clothes.
He ambushed me in the hallway. “Where’s your Marktha?”
“Gesundheit,” I replied, walking past him to the living room. I found my clothes there, folded neatly by the sofa. I snatched my pants and got dressed in a hurry. The stupid leather pants were hard to put on with damp
skin. I flinched as I zipped up. My sex was very tender. I felt sore everywhere and I wanted to sleep for three days straight. But I was almost late for my shift, and my ship departed in seven standard hours.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Levy followed me to the living room. He had the gold bangle in his hand.
“My ship. You should have woken me up last night. I overstayed this quickie.” I grabbed my bustier and donned it in a hurry.
Levy wriggled the bangle right in front of me. “Your Marktha.”
“This Marktha should stay on your person the whole time from now on.”
“May I ask why?”