Page 12 of Faery Godlover
As she bent down to grab her purse, her shoe snagged on the carpet, sending her sprawling onto the carpet, giving her a clear view to the bathroom. The door was partially ajar and someone was using the toilet.
With the music blasting throughout the house, Hayden hadn’t heard her come in, or fall. Jasmine got to her knees, ready to withdraw silently but what she saw made her freeze.
Hayden’s cock was…
Abnormal was the first thing come to mind. She thought what was Hayden doing holding a big meaty summer sausage between his legs. Feminine terror seized her when she realized what it really was.
She clasped her hand over her mouth. Holy Jesus Maria. Is that what I think it was? Panic engulfed her in a heartbeat.
She had agreed to come home with him, which meant she’d be seeing that massive cock up close and personal…
No. She couldn’t do this.
Hayden was just ridiculously…
No. It was abnormal.
There was no way she was getting close to any of that. Oh, hell no!
She couldn’t get out of that house any faster. She walked one block, called a taxi and went home. Jasmine was gnawed by guilt, but that soon gave way to anger. She should have known that if something was too good to be true, it probably was.
That stupid jerk faery was messing with her.
As soon as she reached her apartment, she burst through the door and shouted, “Duada, what the hell?”
She heard snickering from the living room, where her faery godscumbag was posted up on her slouchy sofa, watching game show reruns. He sat up and took one look at her horrified expression before snorting in amusement.
“You’re home rather early. What’s wrong?” he asked innocently.
The nerve of this bastard!
“Do you have to ask?”
Duada didn’t play coy for
long. A hint of laughter curled at the corner of his lips. “I thought you would like him. Doesn’t he have a lot to offer?” the fae said pointedly.
Jasmine kicked off her shoes in annoyance, shooting him a fiery glare. “You think this is some kind of joke? It’s not funny!” She sank her butt onto the musty old armchair. “I can’t believe you did this to me.”
Duada sobered up, seeming to forcing himself to stop grinning at her. “I never meant it to be funny. James Hayden is striking-looking—for a human, of course. He’s wealthy with an excellent pedigree. A bright career. Ambitious. He’s rather impatient at times, but my understanding is that successful men of his age share that same trait.” Duada’s eyes glittered with mischief. “And I was told he’s particularly excellent in bedsport.”
Jasmine snorted. “Yeah, I’d be surprised that he hasn’t managed to kill any of his bed partners yet.”
“Why is that?” Duada pretended to look guiltless but failed epically.
“Seriously, dude. Do I need to spell it out?”
“You weren’t pleased with his cocksmanship?”
Jasmine choked. “His what?”
Duada roared boisterously.
She gritted her teeth. “This is just great. I’m glad you got a good laugh out of my situation.”