Page 15 of Faery Godlover
But he was long gone. “I knew I should have brought my pepper spray! Oh god, we’re gonna die out here,” he muttered, visibly trembling.
“James. Please just… try to relax, okay?”
“Relax? I can’t! I’m sorry, oh god. We’re all alone out here. There could be muggers or murderers anywhere and we wouldn’t even know it until it was too late! Oh my god!” he exclaimed, clapping a hand over his mouth, his beautiful eyes wide with horror.
This was just getting ridiculous. Sweet guy or not, Jasmine’s patience had run out. Clearly this was yet another prank Duada had pulled on her, and this time she was ready to really let him have it.
So she walked the handsome but regrettably fearful man to the road, called him a cab, and they went on their separate ways without so much as a goodnight kiss. As soon as she got home, she was greeted by an overly excited fae.
“How did it go? Was he the one?” Duada gushed.
Jasmine dropped her things at the door and marched directly past him into her bedroom, pulling the door shut behind her. However, the fae merely materialized in her room a moment later, looking miffed.
“That was terribly rude after everything I’ve done for you,” he said, looking surprisingly intimidating. He was standing in the bathroom doorway, blocking her way through, his enormous frame taking up the whole space. He stood with his hands on his hips, glaring down at her with those blazing purple eyes.
“Rude? Are you kidding me? All you’ve done is waste my time with two guys you know good and well I wouldn’t really like. Penis guy was abnormal. And Mr. Trembles today was a total joke! Look, I don’t care who sent you. I don’t want your help anymore, okay? Just let me live my lonely, miserable life and stay out of it. Tell your queen I’m not interested in dating anyone and if she doesn’t like it that’s too damn bad!” Jasmine ran her fingers back through her hair in frustration.
Duada stared at her for a moment, blinking in surprise at her response. Clearly he was not accustomed to anyone denying him anything, and especially not a human woman. For a second, she was afraid that he might fly into a rage and cast some horrible spell on her. After all, there was no telling what kind of powers he really had stored away. But instead he merely heaved a long, drawn-out sigh.
“I understand that you are frustrated. But don’t you think perhaps your standards are too high? From what I’ve observed of human males, you can’t expect very much,” he said cautiously, as though he genuinely felt sorry for putting her through two such horrible dates. As though he’d had no idea how exhausting it was for her until now.
Jasmine bit her lip, trying to size up just how genuine he was. In a softer tone she said, “Look, if those guys are really the best you can do, then maybe I am better off alone.”
“You can’t give up so easily,” Duada replied, shaking his head. “One more try. Please.”
She got the sense that he didn’t normally say “please” either. “No, I’m done.”
“One more date. You must allow me to redeem today’s unpleasantness.”
Why? Why should she? She gritted her teeth, ready to chew him to the bone, but one look at Duada’s handsome face and her anger melted away.
Gah, damn him!
She hated herself because she couldn’t stay mad at Duada. Why? Why was she so weak? Just because this stupid fae was so good looking. Okay, he was breathtaking. Damn. Just because he was so breathtaking, she should let him do whatever he wanted. Why should she even bother? Like, really? Why?
It’s just because I like you even though you’re a jerk. But I believe beneath that glorious façade, there’s goodness in you, somewhere, buried inside. If you were a bad fae, I’m sure I wouldn’t be here talking to you right now. You would have already done something far more sinister to me and laughed it off like it was nothing. Aren’t faefolk notorious for their shenanigans?
Jasmine frowned. Her feelings clashed with her voice of reason.
Duada noticed her pout and put on a serious face. “Shall I remind you that I’m stuck here until you find your perfect man? Think about it, Jasmine. I can see that you’re barely able to tolerate my presence. Can you imagine if I was attached to you forever? You’d be seeing me in the morning, afternoon, evening and night. I’ll be the bane of your existence until our covenant is fulfilled.”
“Fine!” She wrung her hands in exasperation. For some strange reason, she itched to wrap her hands around his beautiful throat and squeeze. She struggled to control her emotions. One, two, three. She took a deep breath and calmed down. “One more date. That’s it. And this time, just try to think about what I would really want. Or what you would want if you were in my shoes. Okay?”
Duada looked to be already leagues deep in thought. “Yes. Tomorrow then. And I’ll clear your schedule at that beverage dispensary where you work,” he said slowly.
“Hey, I need the money!” she protested, but he held up a hand to silence her.
“Ask and ye shall receive,” he said cryptically before disappearing yet again.
Gah. That was one more thing that ticked her off. He popped in and out of her life as he pleased. She very much wanted to show up where he lived and start to harass him.
By the way, where was it that he lived anyway?
Jasmine sighed as she trudged away to take a shower before falling into bed. She fantasized about what it would feel like to reach up and touch the faery’s face, the image of his sparkling eyes watching her intently.
Why am I attracted to such a jerk?