Page 39 of The Kat Trap
“If you gonna call ya moms, don’t tell her you got that shit from me. Just ask her.”
“Whatever. I’m out.” I disconnected the call, walkin’ toward the exit. I was too fuckin’ through. I really wasn’t sure if I wanted to call my moms or not. Even though in my mind I was sayin’ I really didn’t give a fuck, my heart was sayin’ some other shit. Either way, whether she was knocked the fuck up or not, I was gonna push Tameka’s muthafuckin’ biscuit in for puttin’ my mom’s business on front street. So the fuck what if I ain’t fuckin’ with her. That shit was still low budget. Fuckin’ bum-ass bitch! Ugh, I needed a damn blunt.
On my way out to the car, my cell rang again. It was Grant. “Hello.”
“What’s good, beautiful?”
“You,” I said. I don’t know why, but a bitch was cheesin’ all hard ’n shit and I didn’t even know what the nigga’s dick stroke was like. Though a chick like me ain’t needy ’n shit, it would be kinda nice to have some steady dick to ride. It’s been a long fuckin’ time, I thought, placin’ the earpiece over my ear, since I’ve fucked a nigga I didn’t have to kill.
“You miss me?”
“Nigga, please,” I said, laughin’. “You got the wrong number. That’s that other bitch you got suckin’ ya dick.”
He laughed. “Nah, baby. I got the right number. You the chick with that sweet, hot pussy I’m tryna get up in.”
I pushed the button to the alarm, opened the door, then slid into my rental. Before puttin’ on my seatbelt, I dug through my bag and pulled out a half-lit blunt I had smoked earlier that mornin’, then lit it. “Take a number and get at the back of the line, then. ’Cause the wait’s gonna be a while.” I puffed the blunt, takin’ in long, deep pulls as I started the engine, then backed outta my parkin’ space. I exhaled, and the smoke filled the car.
“Oh, word. Then I guess you don’t know me. I’m bum-rushin’ niggas to the front spot, then I’m snatchin’ ya sexy ass up and puttin’ this dick to you.” I laughed, almost chokin’. “You aiight?”
“Yeah, I’m good.” I coughed again. “Oh, shit. You got me chokin’ ’n shit. You silly as hell.”
“Nah, it’s all good, ma. I’m just fuckin’ with you.”
“Oh, so what you sayin’ is, you don’t want none of this pussy?” I joked. “You don’t wanna see how deep ya dick can go, and just how wet it can get?”
“Hell yeah!” he said excitedly. “Just say the word, and I’m there; strokin’ all up in it.”
“Oh, now you soundin’ all eager ’n shit.”
He laughed again. “I am, baby. I am. You got a nigga’s shit bricked, real talk. But I can wait. Trust me. I’m a real patient-type cat.”
“And good things come to niggas who wait,” I said, gettin’ back on Interstate 15, hittin’ sixty. Ugh, if I’da been in my own whip, I’da been pushin’ a hundred by now. I ain’t gonna front, talkin’ to him and smokin’ that blunt had me feelin’ real relaxed and fuckin’ horny. A bitch was ready to fuck. I’ma do this mark tonight. “Listen, I’m outta town for a few days and I’m on my way back to the hotel. Can I hit you up later?”
“Most def,” he said. “Be safe, baby.”
“Thanks. I will,” I said before disconnectin’ the call.
By the time I got to back to the hotel it was almost 9:45, and I still hadn’t eaten. So I ordered some Chinese food from this spot up the street from the hotel and had it delivered. Since it was only Monday night, and my mark still had another four days left at his conference, I had hoped to quietly knock on his door to try ’n get a feel of this nigga. If things went well, maybe get a dose of dick tonight, and again two more nights before I slumped his ass. But of course I got sidetracked and ended up chillin’ in the room.
Besides, Cash had called just before I got outta my rental to see what was good. He wanted me to murk his ass tonight, but I told him no. I assured him I’d have a bullet in the nigga’s head before midnight Wednesday. I wanted to watch him for a minute—see how he moved, then make my move. In the meantime, I wanted to do a little sightseein’, and see what was poppin’ with the nightlife. I had heard the Gaslamp Quarter was live Thursday thru Sunday, and a bitch wanted to stretch this trip out as long as I could to see all of what beautiful San Diego had to offer.
After my shower, I blazed another blunt and paced the floor in my purple lace panties with my titties bouncin’ free and my hair wrapped in a white towel. I glanced at the digital clock on the nightstand: 11:19 p.m. I slid open the patio door, then stepped outside. I smoked my blunt, starin’ out at the marina. It was absolutely gorgeous and peaceful out. Definitely a night for deep, slow fuckin’.
I finished the rest of my blunt, then slid my hands down in my panties. I pressed on my clit, brushed my finga ’cross it, teasin’ it while lightly pinchin’ my nipple. A bitch was horny! Unh-uh, I need more than this. I stopped what I was doin’ and raced back into the suite. I dumped open my bag, grabbed what I needed, took a towel from outta the bathroom, then went back outside.
I laid the towel across the patio chair, sat down, then
draped my legs over the arms of the chair and slid the head of my dildo into my pussy, teasin’ my slit with the tip. I rested my head on the back of the chair and pushed my make-believe dick in halfway, then quickly pulled it out. I did it again and again until I couldn’t take it anymore, then plunged it deep into my pussy. I moaned. I wanted some real dick bad, needed to be fucked rough. I slammed my dildo in and out of my pussy with one hand and jerked my clit off until I shot my nut all over the dildo. I pulled it outta my wet, sticky pussy, then sucked the juices off it. A bitch was spent. I got up and took my ass to bed.
Seven a.m., I was up, showered, dressed, and on my way out the door for breakfast in the waterfront restaurant. If my hunch was right, I’d catch my mark there. I walked through the tropical garden, and couldn’t believe how beautiful it was. The parrots and pond set it off just right. I peeped the pool and all the swayin’ palms and decided I’d have to do a few laps before I bounced.
When I stepped through the door of the restaurant, I quickly scanned the area. Voila! Just like I suspected, my mark was sittin’ at a corner table, readin’ a newspaper and drinkin’ a cup of coffee. I had to give it to him, for an older cat, the nigga was fine and definitely fuckable. I switched my ass toward an empty table two tables away from him. I made sure I sat where he could see a fly bitch in all her goodness. Even in my brown bob-cut wig and brown contacts, I was sexy and sensual. I stood up and removed my brown crochet poncho. Underneath, I was rockin’ a brown one-piece Lycra cat suit. The shit clung to every curve, wrappin’ ’round my ass and titties like a perfect glove, while showin’ off the imprint of my fat pussy. I had it zipped down low ’n sexy, lettin’ a muhfucka know what time it was with my titty game.
After the waiter took my order, I got up and headed toward the bathroom, passin’ my mark’s table. I caught his eye, and smiled. His eyes lit the fuck up as he returned the smile. “Good morning,” he said.
“Good mornin’,” I replied, keepin’ it movin’. I took my time in the bathroom, standin’ in front of the mirror. I pressed on another coat of lipstick, then twirled a strand of hair, makin’ sure it was on point. The last thing I needed was tryna be fierce with a lopsided wig piece. As I was comin’ outta the bathroom, I hoped my mark was still at his table. He was. And I purposefully threw an extra shake in my ass as I walked by, takin’ my seat. I swept my eyes ’round the room to see what was what. There were a few square-type niggas at another table with two nondescript bitches, and a slew of white muhfuckas, definitely nothin’ to write home about. Humph. Then came this blonde-haired, blue-eyed, bombshell-type chick outta the bathroom. She walked by with her head up. She musta been in the stall, I thought as she waltzed by.
This ho was dipped in ice. I peeped her Jimmy Choo slingbacks and Louie Louis bag. Alright, you betta work, bitch! I glanced over my shoulder to see who she was with. She took her seat at a table on the other side of the room with a cluster of white chicks with they faces beat to death with a bunch of pressed powder and whatnot. But you could tell them bitches were paid out the ass.