Page 51 of Big Booty
He blinks. “Miss Simms, I assure you I was not speaking of being passionate in a sexual sense. I merely meant you care deeply for your children and you don’t take lightly to any of their bad behaviors. I wish we had more concerned parents like you.?
I put a hand up on my hip and pop my lips. “Oh. Then why ya stupid ass didn’t you say that shit in the first place instead of takin’ me there?” I see the principal bitch starin’ outta her window. She moves back when she sees me looking at her. I frown. “Now what the fuck Isaiah do this week?”
He clears his throat. I stare at his shiny forehead. The niggah’s forehead is so damn greasy I could fry a damn chicken up on it. “Well, uh, he . . . let’s see how I can delicately put this . . . ”
“Wiggins, will you just say it and stop with all the fuckery? I got shit to do.”
“Well, uh, I’m sure you know Isaiah is an intelligent young man with so much potential.”
I roll my eyes. “Is he being nominated for a school award or somethin’? If not, get to the goddamn point, Wiggins.”
He pulls out a handkerchief and wipes his forehead. “Isaiah stood up on his chair, unzipped his trousers and exposed himself, then told the teacher to perform fellatio on him.”
I feel my knees buckle. “That lil’ motherfucka did whaaaaat?! He told a teacher to do what? Suck his goddamn cock? Is that what I heard you say?”
“Miss Simms, please try to stay calm.”
“Stay calm? How the fuck you expect me to stay calm, hearing my motherfuckin’ son is up in there tellin’ teachers to suck his dick?” I hope that motherfucka used lotion this morning and didn’t pull out no ashy-ass dick or I’ma really beat the skin off his ass for embarrassing me.
“I know this news is upsetting. And I hope you understand our concern here as well. We think it’s . . . ”
“Wiggins, I’m not tryna hear shit else you have to say.” I start walkin’ toward the school. My heels click across the concrete. “I’m goin’ in to get my son. You can stand out here and bullshit if you want by your damn self.”
He quickly follows behind me. “Miss, Simms, please. Remember to stay calm. We have him sittin’ in the disciplinary room. Why don’t I have you take a seat in my office while I have one of the aides bring him down to us? Then we can discuss disciplinary action further.”
I stop, puttin’ a hand up in his face. “There is nothin’ else to discuss. I will take him home, you will suspend him for how many days, then he will return to school. And he will think twice before he ever pulls his goddamn dick out again.”
“See, that’s the part you wouldn’t let me finish. Principal Lewis wants to expel him.”
I tilt my head. “Expel him, for pullin’ out his dick? Are you serious?”
He nods. “I’m sorry. It’s considered gross sexual misconduct. Isaiah won’t be allowed back into school; at least not until there’s an evaluation done on him.
“An evaluation? My son doesn’t need a goddamn evaluation. What he needs is his black ass beat down to the white meat for pullin’ some stunt like that.”
“We’re concerned that Isaiah might have learned this kind of behavior from . . . ” He looks away.
“Say it, bitch,” I snap, shiftin’ my handbag from one hand to the other. I feel like swingin’ it upside his goddamn head. “You think he learned pullin’ his dick out from who, me?”
“No, no, I’m not suggesting that. But he had to learn it somewhere.”
“Oh, I know you’re not suggestin’ he learned it from me ’cause you already know what’s between my legs. And it ain’t no damn dick. So suspend him for the rest of the week, then allow his ass back in school next week.”
“My hands are tied.”
“Well, you better untie them,” I hiss. “Let the bitch try it and I’ma tear into her asshole and yours. And I mean it, Wiggins. Now try me.”
I’ma beat the shit outta Isaiah! “Now let’s go inside and handle this. And, no, I’m not gonna tear your damn office up like I did last year, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
He chuckles nervously. “Will we need to call the police or DYFS?”
“You can call whoever you want.”
As soon as we step into the school’s entrance I make a beeline into the principal’s office. Her dick suckin’ secretary, Rebecca—a short, stumpy bitch with extra big titties and a wide ass, quickly hangs up the phone when she’s sees me. Wiggins tells me he’s goin’ to get Isaiah and bring him down to the office. “Yeah, you do that.”
“Oh. Hello, Miss Simms,” Becky the Cock Bobber says, pastin’ a phony-ass smile on her face. “Is Principal Lewis expecting you?”