Page 14 of The Pleasure Zone
She returned his smile and thanked him, before sliding him a twenty-dollar bill. She didn’t have to tip him, but she found the blond-haired, blue-eyed attendant adorable. And she saw how he always looked at her every time he was on shift. With eyes filled with curiosity and heated want.
A part of her wanted to indulge his desires with a dose of good pussy. But she knew fucking him would more than likely ruin him. She didn’t want that on her conscience. Being responsible for turning out yet another, horny manchild.
Josiah was more than enough.
Before him, there had been her young Spanish lover, Felipe. And the one before Felipe had been her Italian Stallion, Carlo. And then there’d been Javier, Zeus, Adam, Mark, Lewis…in that order.
Nairobia never kept any of them around for longer than a year, however. There was no need to. All her lovers ever needed was, a year of good-fuck training from her. She saw it her duty, her sole mission in life, to deliver them toe-curling sexual experiences by teaching them how to be good in bed, how to be open-minded and sexually adventurous. The more open-minded, good lovers there were in the world, the less likely for women to be sexually unfulfilled.
She believed you had to train them—potential lovers—up while they were still young…and teachable. Legal age of, course. Still, you had to get them while they were ripe and ready for the picking, or you might end up with another sexually challenged—or worse, a selfish lover. Nairobia found most men were too set in their egotistical ways and too difficult to open their minds and free them of their sexual repression. Unlocking their inhibitions was more of a challenge than it was sometimes worth.
So she’d rather seduce them while they were young. Fuck one young cock at a time. Turn him out. Then send him out into the world. Hard cocked and horny, prepared to make a woman’s toes curl, fucking deep inside her pleasure zone.
Surprisingly, she’d still kept Josiah around.
He was her special one.
“Enjoy your evening, Miss Jensen,” Ethan said, cutting into her reverie.
Nairobia raked her gaze up and down his body, taking in all five feet, eleven inches of him. He was too meek for her. And way too short. But he had a lean, muscular build. And he had a strong jaw, strong nose, angular face, and high cheekbones. He wore his thick golden-blond hair longish, the ends brushing past his collar. And he had a deep, powerful voice to be so young. Oh he was young. But he was so ripe and ready to have his cock in her.
Oh if only he were a bit more aggressive. She found the meek ones to be…well, let’s see…potentially hazardous. They had the potential to become stalker-ish after a dose of good pussy. That was the last thing she needed on her hands, some sex-crazed manchild pestering her for more pussy. She knew the aftermath of such foolishness. She’d been there, done that: the harassing phone calls, the gifts, the stalking.
Nairobia had no interest in drama.
She shuddered at the memory. “Thank you,” she said. She licked her lips and leaned into Ethan. “I’m sure I’d enjoy you more, my love. Perhaps one day.” Then she kissed him on the cheek, keenly aware by the lump in his pants that she’d aroused him, once again.
Designer bag dangling in the crook of her arm, Nairobia sauntered off, while Ethan struggled to keep his eyes off her as he always did. Yes. It was no secret. He had a burning crush on her. And he kept a hard-on in his pants for her. All the time.
Shit. She was Nairobia Jansen after all.
He’d been working part-time at the luxury high-rise building for close to three years, but the minute he’d found out who she was, he’d gone and ordered every porn movie she’d ever starred in. He even had clips of her on his smartphone for those midday moments when he wanted, needed, release.
As if she could feel his eyes on her, Nairobia glanced over her shoulder and caught him staring at her ass.
She winked at him, then sassily strutted toward the elevator, leaving behind the faint trace of her floral perfume. She smiled, and swung her hips to give him a little show. He was so aroused, his balls heavy, his cock aching. Every time he saw her, she made his body hot and sizzling.
He inhaled. Suddenly he could smell her. Just her. Among the exhaust fumes and rubber, somehow Nairobia was the only thing he breathed in.
God, what a horn dog he was. He couldn’t help himself. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t keep his eyes off her. Couldn’t stop lusting her. Couldn’t stop imagining the feel of his hands caressing her body.
A sly smile slid over her lips as she envisioned Ethan in back of her, still staring at her ass. One time she’d caught his gaze locked on her protruding nipples, and she’d asked him flat-out if he wanted to lick them, suckle them in his mouth, if he wanted to tease them with his fingertips.
Oh, and there was the time she’d brazenly asked, whispering the question low enough for only him to hear, how big his cock was, causing the twenty-one-year-old NYU student’s cheeks to flush.
Another time, she slipped out of a pair of lacy thongs—on one of those rare occasions when she wore underwear—right in front of him and slipped them inside his pocket. “Take me to bed with you tonight, my love,” she’d said, low and sultry.
He’d almost come on himself on the spot.
But those sweet panties were in his hands and up to his nose way before he’d ever made it home. He spent his whole hour lunch break sniffing her, licking the inside of her crotch wildly as he watched his favorite porn movie of her, Cum Snatcher.
And there had been a few other awkwardly enticing moments…
Nairobia’s gaze lingered on the young valet’s face, and he blushed, not sure if he should turn his own gaze away or run over and press her up against the elevator door and fuck her.
He had nice-sized balls, but God, he wished he had bigger ones to do it. He’d fuck her good, too. Or at least try.