Page 68 of The Pleasure Zone
Nairobia smiled and waved back. “He’s beautiful.”
The woman smiled, then looked down at her son. “Thanks.”
“Mommy, that lady over there,” he said, pointing over at Nairobia, “is pretty like you.” She glanced back over at Nairobia, then said, “She is, isn’t she?”
“Can I kiss her?” the little boy asked.
Nairobia almost choked on her saliva. She said she liked to train them up young, but goodness. It seemed like he was already getting his training from home.
“Boy, no, you’re not kissing her.”
“Then can I kiss her toes, like Daddy does yours?”
“Boy, no. Don’t have me smack you butt. What I tell you about that. You can’t go around puttin’ ya lips up on everyone, especially strangers. And you better not let me catch you sucking on anyone’s damn toes. You hear me?”
He nodded, then looked back at Nairobia. “But she’s sexy, Mommy.”
Nairobia blinked back her shock at hearing that.
Pasha shook her head in disbelief. “Ohmigod, girl, how old is he again?”
“Four going on twenty-four.”
Pasha laughed. “Well, what in the world does he know about someone being sexy? And toe-kissing?”
The woman sucked her teeth. “He hears his father’s dumb-ass sayin’.” She shook her head. “I keep tellin’ Alex stop talkin’ around him like that, but he thinks that shit’s cute. He’s got him too damn grown.”
“Mommy, no bad words, okay?”
Nairobia eyed the little boy. He had diamond studs in both ears and a fancy watch way too expensive for a boy his age. His mother looked down at him, rubbing her hand over the top of his curls. “Yes, Zaire. Mommy’s sorry.”
Zaire, Nairobia thought. What a beautiful name for a little boy.
Nairobia’s gaze locked on the infant boy in the woman’s arms, drooling and cooing and staring at her over his mother’s shoulder. He was a little ball of milk chocolate that made her want to go over and ask to hold him.
Nairobia gave him a little finger wave, and he squealed, bouncing himself up and down in his mother’s arms. She shifted him. He bounced and squealed again, laughing. The woman glanced over her shoulder, then cooed, “Boobie-bear, what you laughin’ at, huh? Who you see over there, huh?” He squealed again, trying to twist back around to look over her shoulder.
“He’s gorgeous,” Nairobia finally said. “How old is he?”
She smiled, her eyes glowing with love. “Thanks. He’s six months.”
Nairobia returned the smile. “You have a beautiful family.”
“Thanks.” She turned her attention back to Pasha, and dug her wallet out of her purse. She pulled out a credit card, handing it to Zeus who was talking on his smartphone.
“Oh, before I forget,” Pasha said. “Nairobia, this is my realtor Katrina. She’s the one responsible for finding me this place.”
Nairobia smiled. “Nice.” She asked her how long she’d been in real estate.
“Four years,” she said.
“Katrina, this is Nairobia. She recently opened a club back in New York. The Pleasure Zone.”
Katrina regarded Nairobia with a smile, then said, “I’ve heard of it. My girl back home, that’s all she talks about. She has a membership. And trust, she’s gettin’ her money’s worth.”
Nairobia smiled. “I’m glad she’s enjoying the club’s…amenities. We aim to keep people coming back.”
Katrina smirked. “Girl, Chanel’s hot ass is a freak. She’d come over a trash bag if you let her.”