Page 81 of The Pleasure Zone
He grinned, then leaned into her ear, and said, “I’d rather show you than tell you.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. Are you a cunt licker, my darling?”
He frowned. “Nah, nah. Not my thing. I’ll beat that thing up, but I ain’t licking on it.”
Nairobia raised her brow. “But you like your”—she ran her hand over his crotch—“your cock licked, no?”
He spread his legs, and grinned. “No doubt, baby.”
Hm. Selfish lover, no?
He glanced up and caught Samson eyeing him again. His jaw clenched. “Yo, fam. We good up there? You keep eyeballin’ me an’ I ain’t diggin’ it. So wasssup? We got beef I don’t know about?”
“Nah,” Samson said stiffly. “No beef.”
“What, you tryna suck on this dick or sumthin’? Say yeah, so I can break your jaw, bruh.”
Nairobia’s breath hitched.
Samson frowned. “Not my thing, Sir.”
“Aiight, then. So how ’bout you keep ya eyes on the road an’ let me handle what’s going on back here.”
“Now, now. Play nice, my love.” She reached over and touched Coal’s knee. “Samson is protective, that’s all. As he should be.”
Coal’s nose flared. “Well, he ain’t gotta worry. You in good hands when you wit’ me, baby. Believe that. So how ’bout”—he reached over and pressed the privacy window’s button—“a little more privacy.” He eyed Samson as the window rolled up, cutting off his view.
Samson smirked, pressing a hidden button for the cabin’s monitoring system. He might not have been able to see what was going on, but he’d damn sure hear everything being said.
Once they arrived at the Rifle & Pistol Range, Samson opened the door and held his hand out for Nairobia, helping her out. “Thank you, my love.”
He gritted his teeth as Coal slid out of the car. He flicked a dollar bill at him. “Bitch-ass,” he mumbled low enough for him to hear.
Samson slammed the door, his jaw twitching.
Coal trotted up the stairs behind Nairobia, his eyes locked on her ass.
• • •
“Okay, baby, let’s see what you got,” Coal said smugly.
Safety goggles on, Nairobia tossed her hair over her shoulder. “No, my love, you first.” She stepped back to a safe distance.
Coal smirked. “Aiight, then,” he said, putting on his earmuffs. He aimed his Glock and fired six bullets into the Silhouette target. Three in the head, two in the heart, and one in each kneecap.
Coal stepped back, pulled off the earmuffs, then turned and faced Nairobia. “Don’t worry, baby. I’m warming up. Now let’s see what you got.”
Nairobia smiled, slipping her earmuffs over her ears. She stepped into the booth, and tossed her hair.
Coal licked his lips. Hands down, she looked smoking hot in her form-fitting dress and those sexy-ass heels with a gun in her hand.
He felt his dick harden.
Feeling his gaze on her ass, Nairobia raised her weapon and shot six bullets into a fresh target. All six in the center of its groin, causing Coal to wince and think twice if he’d planned on trying any funny business. She stepped back, then faced him, removing her earmuffs. “No worry, my love. I’m still warming up,” she mocked, smirking.
He laughed. “Oh, so it’s like that, huh? Oh, aiight, aiight. I got you, baby. Let’s go. It’s on now.” He stepped back in place, raised his gun and fired off, this time emptying his magazine into his target, each bullet—one after the other, bull’s-eye.
Nairobia walked up and kissed him on the cheek. “Impressive, my darling.”