Page 97 of The Pleasure Zone
First, she still needed to find someone able to manage the one here, before she pursued the opening of another club. But it would happen.
Nairobia was a woman who made things happen.
For now, The Pleasure Zone wouldn’t be taking on any new memberships until she returned from her travels. She knew she was being foolish, whisking off like this.
But, damn it all to hell.
This was about her. It always was about her. Her wants, her needs, her desires.
And, right now, she wanted and needed and desired to be…
Her breath caught as the doors to her apartment slid open and Marcel strode in, pausing midstep when he caught sight of her opened travel trunk in the center of the floor. He glanced over at her other bags. Marcel burrowed his brows, then looked at her. “Going somewhere?”
Before she could answer, her cell started ringing. Lamar’s name appeared on the screen. Holding Marcel’s gaze, she answered, “Yes.” Then spoke into the phone. “Hello.”
“Yo, you sure you don’t need me to go with you?” She’d told everyone at the club that she’d be on travel for a few weeks. That she’d still be reachable by cell if anything arose that couldn’t be managed without her. Otherwise, it’d have to wait until she returned.
Josiah had wanted to go with her. And she was tempted. But she restrained herself. Told him she needed him here.
“No,” she said as she watched Marcel watching her. “I’ll send for you if anything changes.”
“Aiight, then. You be safe out there. I got you, aiight?”
“Thank you.”
She smiled, and her cunt tingled as memories of him slumped over on her bed resurfaced. Oh, how last night had been a delicious goodnight, goodbye fuck. She’d told him it would be his last night of pleasure with her. And, finally, he’d delivered—one sumptuous hour of deep-stroking-curved-dick-slinging pleasure that had them both clawing at the sheets.
And he’d come like he’d never done before. She wasn’t sure what he’d been on, but whatever it was, he’d finally redeemed himself.
Now it was time to move on. Nairobia had done her part.
Fulfilled his fantasy of fucking a porn star…her.
“Yo, take special care of ya’self, aiight?”
“I will. Zie je snel, mijn lieveling.” See you soon, my darling.
He had no clue what she’d said, but he had a lopsided grin on his face when she ended the call..
A muscle ticked in his Marcel’s jaw as he counted the bags neatly lined along the wall.
Where was she going with six goddamn bags?
He wouldn’t have to ask. He already knew the answer.
She was running from him.
“Where you going?” he asked, walking further into the apartment.
“On travel.”
He raised a brow. “And you weren’t going to call, or see me before you left?”
She shifted her gaze.