Page 101 of Prison Snatch
And then came fingers—one, two, three—slushing and stretching in and out of her cunt. She was deliciously wet. Mmmm. Sabina was so greedy for her. Her mouth watered. Drooled. She felt the ripple of Heaven’s pussy as she licked and sucked at her clit. She’d stroked Heaven’s velvety walls, reaching deeper to the spongy area of her G-spot. And Heaven . . . Lord Jesus, yes, yes, yes—she’d cried out. Mewled. Howled.
Ooh, wee. Every nerve ending in her cunt became alight with fire. Sweet agony.
Dirty pleasure coursed through her entire body. Everything she saw, felt . . . all heady abandon. It was, it was . . . an unexplainable type of sensation, a different sort of surrender.
“Oh. Oh,” she’d gasped as Sabina used a steady rhythm to lave her tongue up and down and over every inch of her folds, her slit, her clit. Every so often Sabina’s eyes drifted upward to gauge Heaven’s reaction to the pleasure she was determined to give her. She’d been consumed with tasting Heaven. To give her a taste of what type of pleasure a woman could give her, of what no man would give her as long as she was behind bars.
Heaven took two deep breaths, her mind still reeling from the memory.
This shit couldn’t have happened to her. But it had been. Live and direct. Sabina had snatched her breath and her cunt and had done with them what she damn well pleased, stroking in and out of her wet heat, enjoying the feel of her silky walls.
Heaven had begun biting her lip, trying to contain the sounds of pleasure bubbling out from the back of her throat, exploding into hot, dirty words.
Her hand tangled in Sabina’s hair, holding her head down to meet her thrusts.
“Give it to me, Heaven,” Sabina had whispered over her clit. “Come in my mouth. Flood my mouth with your sweet juices.”
She’d withdrawn her fingers from Heaven’s cunt and then moved her mouth down to her opening and wedged a wet finger inside her ass. The act had caught Heaven off guard and, yet, she came, hard, exploding in her mouth, on her tongue, glossing her lips and bathing her chin with her creamy nectar.
Sabina walked into the cell and saw Heaven with her head down, a hand holding her forehead. “Oh, God,” she drawled, plopping down on the foot of Heaven’s bunk. “Please don’t tell me you’re still all straitjacket crazy over what happened between us the other night. Get over it, girl. It was just a thing.”
A thing? Yeah, okay—easy for her to say.
Heaven lifted her head, turning a glare in Sabina’s direction. “You took advantage of me.”
Sabina burst out in laughter. She couldn’t help herself. That was the most—well, one of the most—ridiculous things she’d heard in a while.
“Ohmygod! You make it sound like I tongue-raped you or something. If memory serves me correctly—and it does, I don’t recall you putting up much of a fight. Hell, you didn’t put up any fight.”
Heaven feigned shock. “How dare you? I was vulnerable and weak.”
“Don’t go getting all self-righteous now. The moment you opened your legs, you gave me the go-ahead, the invitation to feast on that smorgasbord of goodness between your legs.” Ooh how sweet and tasty it’d been, too.
Heaven blushed. Heat bloomed to her cheeks. “Well, that was a one-time thing. I’m not a lesbian.”
Sabina rolled her eyes upward. “And neither am I. But it’s okay if you feel guilty for enjoying it as much as you did. Get over it. We’re both grown women. And I won’t deny that every now and again, I like to indulge in a little kitty-licking. Shit. Don’t label me. And don’t label what happened. All it was for the both of us was a night of well-deserved pleasure. Period. So don’t make it out to be more than that. And judging by how hard you came, you enjoyed it.”
Heaven rolled her eyes. “Who wouldn’t,” she begrudgingly admitted. Damn, damn, damn. She felt like such a hypocrite. She’d turned down that Snake chick’s proposition, adamant about not going that way. Yet, she’d allowed Sabina to tongue-fuck the shit out of her. Lord, she hoped she wasn’t going to turn into one of those confused bitches that struggled with her sexuality.
Heaven took a breath. “So I take it this is something you’ve done often?”
Sabina shook her head. “No, not really. Not since I’ve been here. But home, yes—sometimes. I enjoy threesomes with my man.” She smiled. “He gets off watching me licking a pussy while he’s fucking me from the back.”
Sabina patted Heaven’s hand. “Well, if it’s eating you up that badly that you had so much pleasure from it, then you’re more than welcome to return the favor.” She wiggled her brows. “Hint, hint. I’ll graciously accept your tongue, and come all in your mouth.”
Heaven flipped her the finger. “Oh, I bet your freak-ass would. But not going to happen.”
Sabina stood and shrugged. “Oh well. Don’t say I didn’t try to ease your guilt.”
Heaven laughed in spite of herself. “Bitch, please. You wish.”
The Way You Move . . .
Heaven hurriedly stepped out of the showers donned in her prison bathrobe with her still wet hair wrapped perfectly in a white towel. Turban-style. She preferred showering when it was mostly empty. She liked to get in and out of the showers without all the distractions and chitchat, unlike other inmates who seemed to linger around, almost as if they were prowling. She wanted no parts of whatever they had going on.