Page 50 of Prison Snatch
She locked her locker, then meandered out of her cell and down the tier. When she reached the podium, the CO rolled her eyes.
“You know I was about to write your ass up, right?”
Heaven gave the chunky-faced CO an incredulous look. “For what?”
“For taking your slow-ass time.” She slung a pass at her. “Now go take your ass down to classroom C.”
Heaven frowned. “Classroom C, for what?” She had a mind to refuse, but thought otherwise. A refusal could result in a write-up of some sort. And this CO obviously wanted Heaven to give her a reason to do just that.
Officer Harris huffed. “Lewis, get the fuck on; standing here asking me some dumb-ass question, like I’m some damn psychic. Do you see a crystal ball anywhere over here, huh? How the hell I know why they called you down there. Just go, so I can get back to my damn crossword puzzle.”
Heaven snatched the pass from off the podium, then spun on her heel.
“I know one damn thing,” the CO barked. “Snatch another pass off my shit, and see what I do.”
Heaven ignored her rant, and kept walking. She was learning. Some of the COs were more fucked up than most of the inmates. And that bitch was one of them.
Shortly, there was a click of the door and Heaven opened it, walking off the housing unit. She glanced up at one of the cameras as she headed down the hall toward the educational department, wondering which COs were manning the control center, zooming in on her.
She’d heard how there’d been a CO who got off on zooming the cameras in on certain inmates in housing units, while playing with his dick.
If she were in the mood to go back to solitary, she’d peel out of her jumper and give whoever was inside the control center something to look at.
Instead, she tossed her hair and threw an extra shake, or two, in her hips, causing her ass to sway harder, faster. Oh how she loved thongs. The thin strip of material made her feel so sexy; so, so very naughty.
Heaven nearly bumped into an inmate with skin the color of cinnamon as she turned the corner. The inmate’s short dark hair was slicked up with gel into a tiny ball on top of her head like a little rabbit’s tail.
She reminded Heaven of a crack head.
Startled, she jumped backward. “Oh, excuse me.”
The inmate looked her up and down, then slyly slipped her a tiny piece of paper. “Here,” she muttered, before winding the corner and heading in the opposite direction.
Heaven blinked, but kept walking, gripping the note tightly in her hand. When she’d reached one of the camera’s blind spots, she quickly opened the crumpled paper.
She immediately recognized the handwriting.
Heaven crumpled the note, and smiled, her cunt clenching with every step.
Nothing in the Middle . . .
Almost immediately, Officer Rawlings eased up behind her. And . . . mmm, it instantly felt good—too good—to feel the heat of his body pressed up against her. She quickly turned her body to face him before she ended up grinding her ass up into his crotch.
“Damn, baby,” he said low and deep, casting a wicked grin at her as she faced him. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you, too,” she said softly. Well, her pussy missed him. Same difference, wasn’t it?
“I need some pussy, baby.”
“Is pussy all I am to you?” Her mouth curved into a sexy grin of her own before she slid her tongue over her lips. She loved the
thrill of flirting. Loved the thrill of fucking . . . him. And fucking him was good. But she needed to know she had him wrapped around her finger. She needed him to prove his devotion to her, to show her just how far he would go for her, before she gave him any more of her warm, gushy cunt.
“Nah, that’s not all you are to me.”