Page 84 of Prison Snatch
“Yeah, and? You want a medal?”
No—just my shit. She shook her head, feeling herself go hot with anger. She inhaled sharply, then slowly blew her agitation out through her nose. “I wanted to know if I would be able to have my personal belongings returned to me”—you know the shit you stole from me?—“or at least my television and other devices.”
Sergeant Struthers sneered. “Ho, look around you.” Heaven glanced around the office, purposefully taking him literal. “Where the fuck you think you at?”
She bit the inside of her lip. “Prison,” she said softly. God—why couldn’t she stab him in his neck, then leave him for dead?
“That’s right, prison. You bitches think you can come up in here and freeload off taxpayers’—”
“Excuse me, Sir. No disrespect. But I’m not freeloading off of anyone. I bought those things that had been taken from me for no reason from out of my own damn money. You did what you did to me, then turned around and stole all my shit from out of my cell.”
Struthers stood to his feet, shoving his hands in his pockets in an attempt to hide the heavy bulge between his legs. “I did to your dick-sucking ass what you wanted me to. Don’t get it fucked up. Your trick-ass wanted dick, and so I gave it to you.”
Heaven blinked several times, but she kept her cool. “That was some dirty shit what you did, though,” she said. “And you know it.”
“It’s called life. And life sometimes gets dirty. And it isn’t always fair. Get over it. This is my house. And in my house, you bitches do what I say. You understand that?”
Heaven crossed her arms over her midsection, and the gesture inadvertently plumped her breasts up more than they already were, pushing them upward until they strained against her jumper, her cleavage practically spilling out.
Struthers choked back a groan. He swore he could almost see her nipples, and felt his dick stir. “Now what you wanna do to get your shit back?”
“Well, I want a do-over,” she boldly stated, catching his gaze on her breasts. She placed both her hands on her hips. Then let out an exaggerated sigh. “I don’t want to be handcuffed, like some damn slave on an auction block. And I don’t want that ugly CO bitch watching while I’m down on my knees worshipping you.”
Struthers stared at her and gritted his teeth. This pretty bitch with the plump, juicy lips was really fucking asking for it.
“Lewis, get the fuck out my office, before I write your ass up.”
• • •
As Heaven finished cleaning the last three toilet stalls, she spotted a bunch of little writings on one of the doors. She narrowed her eyes.
She shook her head, then glanced at her watch. She had another twenty minutes to go and she’d be finally finished. She sighed, grabbing the toilet brush and opening the stall—
“Where you think you going?” Sergeant Struthers said as he leered at her.
Heaven gasped, dropping the toilet brush to the floor. “Ohmygod!”
“Don’t get scared now,” he sneered, the pupils in his dark-brown eyes wide dots of lust and deviousness, almost as if he was possessed. “I want this dick sucked.”
Suddenly, the air was so thick and heavy, Heaven couldn’t breathe. She wanted this, had asked for this—a second round, but she hadn’t heard him come in, and she hadn’t expected him (although she had wanted him to) to seek her out tonight.
She found her breath. “And I want my property back,” she pushed out, feeling more in control.
“Your shit is already up in your cell.”
She tilted her head. “All of it?”