Page 87 of Prison Snatch
Heaven choked back a snort. “And he would have perjured his way out of it, then eventually gone right back to being the pig he is. Who is going to believe an inmate over a sergeant, huh? You?”
The warden shifted in her seat. Her outwardly calm and collected demeanor masked her raging inner turmoil.
“I should fucking destroy him,” Heaven hissed. “And take you down with him. But I’m willing to make a deal. And I think we’d both like to keep this quiet. Not make a big production over a sergeant degrading and sexually assaulting inmates. This way, you get to keep your cushy job and I get to move around stress-free.”
She sat back in her seat, and crossed her legs. “Oh, and by the way. If the cock hairs aren’t enough, I have his nut.”
The warden gasped.
“Yes. Right after he came in my mouth, I let most of it spill out onto my jumper, then spat the rest out into a washcloth, right before quickly taking those pictures of him and then running out of the bathroom, leaving him there sprawled out on the bathroom floor. And trust me. I will have those photos posted all over social media. ‘Hashtag Croydon Hill Runs A Sex Camp,’ ‘Hashtag Sergeant Sexually Assaults Inmates.’ Shall I continue?”
The warden felt her hands shake. She wanted to puke her guts up.
“You little conniving bitch.”
Heaven let out a sardonic laugh. “Yeah, I’m the conniver. I’m the bitch. But I’m not the one preying on inmates. Your sergeant is—right underneath your drunken nose. On your watch . . .”
The warden’s jaw clenched, but she dared not give this manipulating bitch the satisfaction of a reaction. That’s what she wanted from her. She knew it.
Heaven scowled. “All these women who he has abused in here are too fucking scared to report his ass. You want to know why, Warden? Because the bastard only preys on weak, gullible inmates who he knows he can easily manipulate and intimidate; that’s why. But, he didn’t know whom he was messing with when he shoved his dick down in my throat.
“Here’s the thing, Warden,” Heaven said as she leaned forward in her seat. “I’m not the bitch to fuck with,” she said acidly. “And he . . . fucked . . . with me. I shot the man I loved in the back for cheating on me. So what do you think I’d do to a motherfucker who shoves his dick down my throat, and I feel nothing for him?”
The warden’s eyes flashed with fury.
During her years as a CO, she had overheard the rumors, that Struthers had a penchant for bullying and degrading inmates, forcing them to perform sexual acts, while also tormenting them. She had always hoped that none of it was true. She wouldn’t, couldn’t stand for this sort of behavior. She wouldn’t ruin his career, but he’d be forced to retire. She’d have to get him out of her prison, or she’d be forced to pursue other avenues. Legal repercussions. And she’d throw him under the bus before anyone had the opportunity to throw her.
The warden cut her gaze down at her desk drawer.
“Is that where you keep it? The vodka?”
The warden swallowed. Even though she held Heaven’s gaze, and never flinched, her mind was in utter disarray. This dizzying bitch with all of her sexual energy—along with the damaging photos on the cell and the disturbing fact that an inmate had gotten ahold of a Taser—had all given her a pounding headache.
The warden sighed. She finally resigned herself to the fact that Heaven had her in a very precarious position—one she didn’t like one damn bit. The last thing she needed, or wanted, was any sort of negative press, or damaging media coverage. She only had a few more years to retire; that was it. Nothing was going to get in the way of that.
Not even this bitch.
“Okay, Lewis,” the warden finally acquiesced. “What is it you want . . .?”
It’s Not Over . . .
The metal door slid open, and Heaven stepped out into the large visiting room. She was immediately slapped by noise. Lots of it. Babies crying. Kids running around being unruly. Couples arguing. Family cackling. Music playing. It was all too much for her ears. She felt a headache coming on. She didn’t remember the noise level being so obnoxiously loud the last time she’d come out for a visit.
Then again, it had been on a Wednesday night—so long ago—the last time she’d come out. And today was a Saturday visit after all—one of the busiest visiting days of the week. She made a mental note to tell whoever was here to see her to come on another day next time—if there were a next time. She felt like she’d suddenly stepped out into a world circus with all the featured attractions on site.
Still, she had to admit, it was nice to get out from behind the other side of the metal doors to see how the outside world was living, even if she had to be mauled by Officer Clemmons again to do so. “Mm. I bet you taste real good, bitch,” she’d stage-whispered before beginning her frisk. Then she’d roughly pawed Heaven. That fucking undercover dyke-bitch made her skin crawl. She’d grabbed her breasts this time, then slyly ran her hand over her crotch, trying to squeeze the front of her pussy, while the other three COs were busy searching other inmates.
“There’s a can of Mace with your name on it,” she’d warned. “Give me one good reason to use it. I’m begging you.” She lowered her voice to a whisper, her lips barely brushing Heaven’s ear. “Seeing you drop to your knees and cry out would make my dick hard.” And then she laughed, causing Heaven’s stomach to knot. “Now get the fuck on before I deny your visit.”
“So glad to know you enjoy your job,” Heaven replied sarcastically. “Have a nice day.”
Heaven tried to shake the negative energy, but somehow she felt herself becoming strangled by it. She wanted to maim that bitch. She sighed. Lord, help me. She wished she could have someone stomp her wrists, and break every fucking bone in her hands. Slicing her eyeballs out with an ice pick would be an added bonus.
Suddenly, Heaven smiled. She had something to look forward to.